can't do with it and can't bear to be without it
put up with x job=task
finish(做完有沒有圓滿不知) →2D -end(事件這個結束不會再發生,看電影the End) -complete →大小事做完圓滿 3D the book collection is complete? 1~6集書齊全?
old fashioned -out of date 不流行
oh, dear 常用,代表很關心對方,萬用,如工作丟了!
ready on time 準時準備好
doing her hair and her make-up ,弄她的頭髮和化妝
come on love→英式常用
Alison is that she's always right!不會認錯
so, there we are 片語,那就這樣!我們都很清楚!
(and)here we are !怎麼會落到這個結局→在醫院!
ˇ track □ 打勾
trick question Yes or no OK!
organized 很有效率
disorganized 沒有效率
What do you think? 你有何看法?
typically 代表性 complain 抱怨
watching sport on tv 女生
Driving badly 開車開不好,男、女都有
taking a long time to get ready 男、女都有,慢吞吞
not tidying things away 不整齊 男、女都有
Daily schedule not the same 男、女都有 each other
Many thing is distinquist man or women
TV series 連續劇
better at 擅長 常用
women are generally better at cooking
那些 希望 得到 任何東西
Those who wish to attain everthing
transcendent wisdom
totally free 免於
obscurations 障礙
meditation V動詞,專注於 while =at the same time 同時
abiding 住於 single-pointed concentration 專一的定
Heap→一堆/ 大量 of Jewls 寶積經
achieved 得到/成就
adhering to 片語→遵守~上面(法律、戒律、規定)
道德 倫理
moral ethics 戒律=precepts
meditate 關照 on wisdom 智慧
清淨 回到原來純潔狀態 意識 完美
pure pristine awareness perfected
In order to 為了 片語 accomplish 完成 the purposes 目的
eliminated 除去 obstruction= obstrucle 障礙
obscuratians 障壁
realize 實現 initially最初 calm abiding meditation 平靜住下冥想
奢摩他 such-ness 真如→真實如常 abilithy to 能力 analyze phenomena分析現象
special insight 智慧證悟
contrasted 對比 In terms of x 關於x來說
practice 修行 presented definited 固定 sequence=order順序 elaborate 詳細說明,禪述
along with 跟著/加上 seeds 種子
智慧 了解 一般性/世間 真理
wisdom realizing conventional truth
however powerful 無論如何強烈
conclude 結論 must be 一定
ultimate truth 無上真理:了解空性真理!
refers to 指著 liberation 解脫
disturbing emotions 煩惱 klesha 梵文
obstructions to knowledge 智慧之障壁
eliminated 消除
wisdom alone 只有智慧 direct apporaent 直接對手
enabled to 有能力 eradicate 除掉 latent potencies 潛能
Neither A or B 不是A or 是B
ethical discipline 戒律 ,像軍隊紀律
confront 面對 refers to 指著 derived from coming發揮於
聽聞 思維
listening and contemplation 禪定智慧
therefore 因此actualize 實施 ultimate reality 究竟實象,真理智慧
become proficient 技巧 in 變成內行於→修定的能力
must 必定(命令) since 既然
心專一的定 positive thought 正念
微妙 心理 昏沈 →黑暗、心無法定
subtle mental dullness and excitement 刺激
faults 過失
abandaned 戒除 受戒律助於修定
戒→定→慧(一切種智) ╳慧→定→戒
相信→聞、思→intellectual -rational 道理 understanding 了解