Hello, Friends In Spiritual Energy
2012 is an exciting year of spiritual expansion and possibilities. Are you ready to breathe in the higher energies available now? Let’s discover how to make create space in your heart and soul so you can receive the blessings.
2012 是個令人振奮,充滿靈性拓展及可能性的一年。現在,你準備好在更高的能量運作中呼吸了嗎?讓我們一起發掘如何去創造你的心與靈魂之中神聖的空間,如此你便能收到祝福。
Are you ready to flow like a river with the new vibrations? But why do these new spiritual energies bring up fear, tension, or confusion in so many people? Spiritual awareness helps you confront these emotions. We need to learn how to do this, so that we can benefit from the emerging cosmic energies.
The planetary spiritual awakening wakes up your senses in every way. Your senses are becoming more refined and aware, as if you are a living antenna. We will explore together how you can keep your balance as your psychic sensitivity becomes stronger.
Did you think that spiritual awakening happened automatically? Spiritual awareness is a divine gift, but each day, you learn to use it in ever new ways. We will learn the step-by-step ways of being present -- aware in the body, in the heart, in the mind, and in the soul.
你認為靈性的覺醒會自動化的發生?靈性的覺醒如同一個神聖的禮物,但是我們每天都透過不同的途徑成長。我們要學習腳踏實地的活在每個當下 – 在身體上覺知、在心中覺知、在意識上覺知並在靈魂裡覺知。
As you become more aware, you realize how much energy blockage you have been carrying -- possibly over many lifetimes. I will help you learn to shift old energy patterns. You can learn to do this when you know how. Now is the time for empowerment. It is time to take your power back, so you can utilize the inner spiritual skills that belong to you.
How do you learn about spirit? You can read the books, but spirit is truly discovered through the practice of being consciousness. And now, there are special tools on the planet that help you activate your consciousness…
The Powerforms are here now for a reason -- Powerforms hold a higher vibration that unites earth energy with divine energy. The Powerforms help you awaken to your true unique soul energy -- each of us has our own unique soul signature. When you learn to use Powerforms to clear energy blockages and increase your spiritual flow, you will be learning much about your true spiritual self.
此刻能量天線板的出現是有原因的 – 能量天線板能夠保持更高的震動頻率,並將神聖的能量接引至地球。能量天線板會協助你喚醒獨特的靈魂能量 – 每個人都有其獨特的靈魂識別碼。當學會使用能量天線板清除阻礙你的能量及提升你靈性力量的流動後,你就能真正觸及真實的靈魂自我。
Powerforms subtle energy tools are here on the planet to help you find the magical balance point between the physical world and the divine world of spirit. I created the Powerforms to help you transcend the difficulties of our rapidly shifting spiritual era. I want you to be a bright light that uplifts everyone in your world.
When you consider the possibilities for a spiritually awakened era, you realize that we humans have so far yet to go. However, we need to take personal responsibility -- we have to start the transformation with ourselves. We will explore how to align with our true selves, so that we can create our own spiritual understanding -- our own story of our own divine truth.
當在靈性覺醒的時代思考可能性,你就會意識到人類迄今還有很長遠的路要進展。然而,我們要為自己負責任,從自身開始徹底轉變。我將帶領你們逐步去探索真實的自我,因此我們能夠創造自己的實相 – 我們的人生及神聖真理。
I specialize in helping people transcend limited self-understanding, so that they can recognize their true spiritual potential. We are going to explore consciousness awakening together. We will go deep within our soul, using step-by-step meditations -- created spontaneously in the moment for the group vibration -- to guide you in finding yourself.
我專注於協助人們超越自我限制,使他們能夠見識到真正的靈性潛質。我們將一起探索意識的覺醒。冥想會將我們一步步帶入靈魂深處 – 透過自發性團體能量協力震動 – 引導你遇見真實的自己。
We will use specially created musical experiences -- created spontaneously, based on the group vibration -- with harmonies that activate the resonance of your true spiritual essence. The sounds help you can explore the story of your soul’s arrival on this dimension, and your spiritual evolution leading to this moment.
What is a human being? Would you like to explore your body of light, your DNA, your childhood patterns, and more? You are a spiritual miracle, but where is the instruction book for your spiritual awakening? I look forward to sharing with you. I don’t teach out of a book, because I follow my intuition in each moment of sharing the deeper teachings with you. We will use the aura chart I’ve created to build our energy sensing skill together. You can build your intuition, and you can learn to sense with more precision and clarity.
We will use each precious moment together to explore and practice step-by-step methods and meditations that you are truly ready for. You have chosen this lifetime. You have chosen to read this, and you have chosen to awaken your higher consciousness. Thank you for co-creating the positive energy in this awakening world. May you flow with the ever-present blessings with every breath you take.
Divine Blessings,
Joel Bruce Wallach
<< 音樂療癒系列 >>工作坊費用:單場NT$7,000 / 兩場合報或兩人同行優惠價$10000
音樂蛻變療癒 課程日期2012年5月25日(五) 19:00~22:00
音樂蛻變療癒 課程日期2012年5月26 日(六)16:00~19:00
久爾.布魯斯.華勒克 (Joel Bruce Wallach) 是一位靈性能量導師&治療師,同時也是靈性能量工具及靈性音樂創造者。
1990年開始,他集畢生經驗陸續創造出微妙能量的工具:Powerforms 能量板及從事靈性療癒音樂創作。在創造過程中,他看見、聽見及感受到微妙能量。
能量天線板系列工作坊 報名表
報名日期 | |||
中文姓名 | 聯絡電話 | ||
我要參加 | □ 5/24 (四)實用入門 - 超級細胞板、星光碟、兒童碟、啟動碟 NT$5,000 □ 5/26 (六)實用入門 - 能量平衡板、能量之門 NT$5,000 □ 5/25/26實用入門 任選2場合報優惠價NT$8,000(不計名) □ 5/27 (日)能量板系列 - 細胞DNA重塑 NT$9,000 □ 5/27 (日)能量板系列 - 光體啟動 NT$9,000 □ 5/27 (日)上下午兩場合報或任選2堂合報優惠 NT$15,000(不計名) □ 5/25 (五)音樂蛻變療癒 NT$7,000 □ 5/26 (六)音樂蛻變療癒 NT$7,000 □音樂蛻變療癒 兩場合報或兩人同行優惠價$10000(不計名) □ 5/28 (一)靈魂重塑之前世療癒 / 童年療癒 NT$28,000 □ 能量天線板全系列課程共六堂優惠價NT$48,000 (不含音樂療癒系列) | ||
購買工具 | □ 超級細胞 原價NT$3,000 工作坊優惠NT$2,100 共____片 □ 能量啟動 原價NT$1,500 工作坊優惠 NT$1,050 共____片 □ 星光碟 原價NT$2,100 工作坊優惠NT$1,470 共____片 □ 兒童碟 原價NT$2,100 工作坊優惠NT$1,470共____片 □ 能量平衡 原價NT$2,500 工作坊優惠NT$1,750 共____片 □ 能量之門 原價NT$2,800 工作坊優惠NT$1,960 共____片 ( 工作坊現場取貨) | ||
繳費方式 |
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備註欄位 |
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訊息資訊 |
工作坊主辦單位:AHA生活態度實踐家 / Joel Bruce Wallach能量天線板台灣區總代理
參考→ ☆能量板發明人要來台灣教學,迎接2012年的轉變來報名吧-2☆