2/19/08 po 上了以下關於Power Animal 的解釋, 但是一直都沒有翻成中文. 應朋友要求, 今天決定努力一下.....
The following article is comprised of excerpts of Chapters One and Two from Dr. Farmer's upcoming book: Power Animals: Connecting with your Animal Spirit Guide.
(摘自於 Animal Spirit Guides, 作者 Steven D. Farmer, PHD.)
Chapter 1 What Are Power Animals? 什麼是力量動物?
Power animals are spirit guides in animal form, valuable allies who can help you navigate through life's challenges and transitions. Perceptive and trustworthy oracles, you can turn to them for advice and counsel on any questions or concerns. They're exceptional teachers who'll help you learn about both the spirit world and the natural world. Working with them on a regular basis will enhance your personal life and expand your spiritual capacities immensely.
**力量動物是以動物形式顯現的指導靈. 他們可以協助你渡過人生的挑戰與變遷, 是你的最佳夥伴. 他們也是敏銳且可信的神諭, 當你有任何問題或疑問時, 你可以請求他們的意見與建議. 他們更是非常好的靈性導師, 指引著你學習有關於靈性世界與自然世界的種種. 時常跟你的力量動物互動可以使你的生活更豐富, 也可擴展你靈性方面的能力.
Power animals can appear in meditations, visions, dreams, shamanic journeys, or on the earth in their physical form. They can be mammals, birds, or reptiles. Even so-called mythical animals such as unicorns or dragons can be power animals, although they have no physical representations in the material world. Since a spirit animal's power is drawn from their instinctual and wild nature, it's uncommon, however, for purely domesticated animals such as pets to be power animals.
**力量動物出現的方法有以下: 冥想時, 影像(vision), 夢中, 透過薩滿的儀式, 或是以實體的方式出現. 力量動物可能是哺乳動物, 鳥類, 爬蟲類, 或神話動物,例如獨角獸與龍, 雖然他們在物質世界中沒有實體的代表. 動物指導靈的力量來自於他們的本能與野性, 所以完全被馴服的寵物很少是力量動物的.
The source of power for your animal spirit guide is not just a single animal, but the entire species. For instance, if your power animal is Bear, it's not just any particular bear, but an animal spirit guide that's representative of the entire species of bears. Another positive effect of working with your power animal is that you'll develop a greater appreciation for that species, and likely extend that care and respect to the entire animal kingdom. If Dolphin is your power animal, for example, your love and appreciation will likely go out to all creatures of the sea and naturally expand to include those of the land and the air. Your power animal will also teach you to use this power compassionately and in service, to heal and empower yourself and others.
**你力量動物的"力量"源頭不是來自於一個動物個體, 而是整個族群. 例如, 如果你的力量動物是熊, 這絕對不是指某一隻熊, 而是一位代表整個熊族群的動物指導靈. 當你跟你的力量動物合作時, 你會學會如何欣賞與感謝你力量動物所代表的族群, 也會學會如何保護與尊重整個動物王國.
Chapter 2 Spirit Guides and Power Animals 指導靈與力量動物
The term, Spirit Guides, also called guardian spirits or helping spirits, describes any spiritual being that helps us in a positive way. They protect us, guide us, and provide encouragement and inspiration. We may have any number of spirit guides throughout our life, whether or not we're consciously aware of them. Some have been with us since childhood, while others have appeared at various periods in our life, perhaps to help us through a difficult transition.
**指導靈是指任何幫助我們走向正面與光明的靈性存在. 指導靈保護著我們, 引導著我們, 鼓勵著我們, 也給我們很多啟發. 我們的一生可能有不少的指導靈協助著我們, 雖然我們可能無法意識到. 有些指導靈從小就跟我們一起, 但有些指導靈只在特定的人生階段出現, 幫助我們渡過較困難的轉變.
Spirit guides can be religious figures, angels, ascended masters, ancestors, faeries, or, for our purposes, animal spirits. Animal spirit guides, familiar to indigenous and shamanic cultures, are called either power animals or totem animals. Typically these terms are used interchangeably, although there are some subtle differences in meaning.
**指導靈可能是宗教的人物, 天使, 上師, 祖先, 精靈, 或動物靈. 動物指導靈- 原住民或薩滿文化稱他們為力量動物或圖騰動物. 有時力量動物與圖騰動物這兩個名稱可以互用, 但他們還是有些不同的.
Totem animal is the more widely used term, and this concept is universal to all cultures. Indigenous cultures typically have a tribal totem, another one for the "clan," and another for the family you were born into. Contemporary cultures also have totem animals, such as ones for clubs or societies like Lions Club or the Loyal Order of Moose. Sports teams often carry animal totem names, such as the Chicago Bears or the Philadelphia Eagles. Even Christianity has the totems of the lamb and the fish. Parents often give their child a special protective totem animal, such as a teddy bear, telling the child that it will protect them. The child believes this, and by their belief in the animal they hold in their hands they're unwittingly calling in the spirit of that animal and its associated powers. The bear becomes a personal totem, or power animal, for the child, and this animal spirit guide may remain with them into their adult lives.
**圖騰動物跟集體較有關聯. 每個印地安族群有他們的圖騰動物, 個別的家族也可能有他們的圖騰動物. 現代文化也有圖騰動物的出現, 例如, 獅子會. 足球或棒球隊也有圖騰動物. 連基督教也有圖騰動物- 魚跟綿羊. 大人也會給小孩圖騰動物. 大人時常會給小孩泰迪熊, 然後告訴小孩這泰迪熊會保護他們. 當小孩有了這信念, 熊就會變成他們個人的圖騰, 協助與保護這小孩直到成年.
Power animals, rather than being associated with a family or a group, are specific and personal for each individual. Like totem animals, they are guardian spirits that empower us in our everyday lives. They also protect and guide us as we explore non-ordinary reality-the realm where spirits reside, just across the veil of our usual and ordinary perceptions.
**力量動物是比較個人的. 跟圖騰動物一樣, 力量動物也是協助我們的指導靈. 當我們探索其他次元的存在時, 力量動物會保護著我們, 指引著我們.
1) Lakota - Culture & Spirituality - 網站
2) Shamanism - Working with Animal Spirits - 網站
3) Animal Spirit Guides by Steven D. Farmer, PHD - 書
Steven Farmer 是 Doreen Virtue 的老公. 除了這一本書, Dr. Farmer 也有出一套卡片 - Power Animal Oracle Cards.