



目前我們的Skype Meeting Learning已經進行了五次,但~~只有這次的整個流程是錄音比較順暢的,在兔子”Trista”平易近人幽默風趣的導讀之下(還事先整理英文單字講義),讓我們有幸很自然地~~融入 BaBaJi慈悲和睿智的精神教導,她引領著我們除了學習英文之外,更有深度的教誨、覺察、省思~~喚醒我們沉睡的心靈,與會的每個人都非常珍惜相聚的時光以及滿滿的~~心靈收穫。尤其在此篇中的Session Three精闢的真理觀點,讓Eileen邊聽邊掉淚!







Session One(請按左鍵以打開或下載語音檔,由於大約20mb,請稍有耐心,謝謝!)


"He (Babaji) is not preaching any new religion. He has come to preach the religion which occurred at the time of Creation, and that is the Sanatan Dharma - the Eternal Religion. He has come to preach the Sanatan Dharma only." 


"To devotees I give Abhaya Dhan, the blessings of my protection, by which you will always be protected. So you should be fearless.I am responsible for you and your liberation. My protection never abandons you, not even for a second!"


"The creation is vast and there are many doctrines. Adhere to one principle - that of truth, simplicity and love. Live in truth, simplicity and love and practice Karma yoga (the yoga of work.)."


Session Two(請按左鍵以打開或下載語音檔)

"All religions are incorporated in this principle of Truth, Simplicity and Love."


"Sanatan Dharma is like a great ocean. From that ocean, each country has dug canals according to their needs and purposes."


"Remove hatred and jealousy from the heart. The same thing has been repeatedly written in the Bible and spoken through Christ. Where there is jealousy and hatred, there is no religion."


"As you know, throughout the world there are factories of armaments which are being produced and stored to destroy mankind or cause damage to mankind. Similarly, Haidakhan Vishwa Mahadham is a great factory, which has produced only one element - Om Namah Shivaya.
"The energy of Om Namah Shivaya shall destroy all contradictory energies of hydrogen and atom bombs and will protect you. There are proofs in the scriptures, that it was the great Gautama Rishi who created the atom energy, and he has said clearly that the only thing that can conquer the atom energy is the Om Namah Shivaya mantra, by itself."


"Remember, nothing can be achieved without perseverance in your discipline.
Eliminate your low self-esteem, your ego, your idleness, your inability to respond to opportunity, your own denial of your spiritual heritage and your potential.


Session Three(請按左鍵以打開或下載語音檔)


Eliminate the envy and jealousy of others who distract your from your purpose.
Eliminate the resistance to necessary changes, the reluctance to break a pattern of behavior that prolongs suffering and the lack of faith in the Divine.


Would you, who proclaim you love me, recognize and love me if I come to you in a different form which you have not known before?
If you love me why do you then have doubt and fear in you heart?
Blessed are they who recognize with their hearts. I shall help them overcome their fear.
Religions and sects may calculate their greatness by the number of their believers and devotees. But Truth will still be Truth if not a single person believes it. For Truth does not depend on the approval or the acceptance of people or this system."


"At Herakhan, no one is restricted to only one kind of devotion or learning. All have a right to their form of devotion to God. We are all made from the five elements; we are all of one spirit. In all respects, we are one humanity, one human family. Limitations arise from political beliefs and world leaders who hold thinking to time, place and culture, thereby creating differences and separateness. The birthright of all mankind is to love and follow God. Limitations arise from erroneous human beliefs."


".........canals cannot give total satisfaction as the ocean gives complete bliss. The Lord is showing a vision of the Sanatan Dharma, which is like the great ocean, and this is the greatest form of knowledge."


"This Om Namah Shivaya is like nectar; feed everyone with this nectar. Sri Mahaprabhuji wishes that all words would disappear from this world, except for three - Om Namah Shivaya. This is the original mantra. When Primordial Energy first appeared, the first mantra that She uttered from Her Holy mouth was Om Namah Shivaya"


"To lead a true life, one must have firm determination and be aware that there is one Soul present in all people."

"Always all heavenly beings - the gods and goddesses - are present here. They come and go. They bathe in the Gautama Ganga(恆河). Many divinities reside here permanently, not wishing to leave this Place.


You are all blessed to be present in this great pilgrim center, at the Court of the actual Kailash Mahadham. Here, only those can live and are living who are very fortunate in this world.


Session Four(請按左鍵以打開或下載語音檔)


How can unlucky people live here? To those who have impurity in them, not even their shadow can come near this place, because this is a sacred, divine center. Only heavenly beings can reside."


"In life, everything is action, Kriya, eating, drinking, coming and going. Everything is full of activity; every moment is full of action. It is the duty of every one to be active; to be lazy is like making yourself dirty."


"Kirtan should come to you naturally and through your soul. When you sing, you and those who listen to the kirtan should enjoy it, it should be sung in harmony, with a slow rhythm. Put your soul into it and it will flow. Don't sing kirtan as though you are competing with one another or fighting with each other, beating very fast rhythms - the melody should flow in all its sweetness"


"You must all do service to humanity, THAT is Kriya Yoga. The times now demand this of you in this world. In every way, in every manner possible, do good to others and make them happy - that is Kriya Yoga. To each individual and to every country, provide what they lack."




Achieve 達到, 成就

Adhere 堅持

Annihilate 殲滅

Armament 軍備

Atmosphere 氛圍

Auspicious 吉兆的


Behold 注視, 看著


Calamity 災害

Caste 種姓

Cling 依戀

Contradictory 矛盾, 相反

Creed 教義, 教條


Determination 果斷力

Devotee 跟隨者

Distract 分心, 岔開

Distribute 分散, 分發

Doctrine 教義, 教條


Eliminate 消除

Elevation 莊嚴, 崇高

Eradicate 消滅, 根絕

Evoke 喚起(內在的)


Grave 重大的


Heritage 傳承, 遺產


idelness 懶惰, 安逸

inability 無能

incorporate 包含

invoke 招喚神祈


Japa 不停複誦


Kindle 點燃

Kirtan 印度的奉獻吟誦


Maya 幻境

Motto 座右銘


Nectar 甘露


Penance 苦修

Permanently 永久地, 長久不變地

Perseverance 堅持不懈

Pilgrim 朝聖者

Preach 追尋

Pretext 藉口, 推託

Prevail 盛行

Primordial 原始的, 初始的

Proclaim 宣稱

Prolong 延長, 拉長

Purification 淨化



Relunctance 不情願, 勉強

Reside 居住

Resistance 抵抗

Restricted 受限

Reveal 顯露

Rightousness 正直,  公正


Sake  n. 目的, 原因

Sect 教派

Self-esteem  n. 自尊, 自負

Shed 放下, 擺脫

Siddhis 梵文悉地, 妙成就

Simplicity 真誠, 樸實

Stir 喚起

Sow 散佈, 傳播


Tapas 印度苦修


Uplifement 提升, 昇華

Utter 發出聲


Vast 廣大

Vice 惡

Vital 生命的

Vow 宣誓


Worship 敬拜


2. http://sm21.net/jing/yogananda2/yoga33.html

3. http://www.angelfire.com/zine/sychinese/9_yoga_oview.htm


  • 智與識瑜伽(Jnana Yoga) 此派藉知識步向「與天地同流、萬化歸一」的狀態。用心智思維上所獲取的知識來達到解脫。
  • 有為 / 報業瑜伽(Karma Yoga) 此法中的修行者要積德或作些不求回報的事奉。通常與虔信修行(Bhakti)結合。
  • 虔信瑜伽(Bhakti Yoga) 此法指出人到了極度虔誠、信靠上天時,人忘記一己身份而與永恆真理合一,混為一體。
  • 讚詞 / 持咒瑜伽(Mantra Yoga) 此派以不斷念誦咒文(口訣)來步向合一﹝譯註1)
  • 密派 / 性力派瑜伽(Tantric Yoga) 此派利用性行為(雙修)的方術企圖達至合一。﹝譯註2﹞
  • 王學瑜伽(Raja Yoga)── 此派中合一的境界需由修習「瑜伽八支則 Asthtanga Yoga」而得。「八支則」在帕坦加利的《瑜伽經》及《奧義書》中 Yoga Darshana 部份均有記載。﹝譯註3)
  • 哈達瑜伽 / 訶陀瑜伽(Hatha Yoga) 此法認為,合一的境界由練習「體位」[軟骨功]的運動和調身調息的功法而得。這裡必須要指出,今天所流行的所謂瑜伽「功」,其實原初只是為準備達至「瑜伽境界」的漫長旅程所作的「肉身階段」的預備功夫而已。不同修行者的精微能量系統問題是要針對性地利用不同體位(式子)的「處方」來修正的,[可說是對症下藥,而不是一籃子般不加辨別的全盤練習]
  • 昆達里尼 / 靈量瑜伽(Kundalini Yoga) 昆達里尼(靈量)來自梵文,意為捲曲。它是個捲伏在人體內沉睡的能量。修習昆達里尼(靈量)瑜伽的目標,是喚醒人体內裏沉睡的宇宙能量並與大宇宙無所不在的純粹意識合而為一。這個無所不在的宇宙能量,在印度神話中被稱為「濕婆神 Shiva」。﹝譯註4) 



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