

<蓋雅之愛> 團體靜坐


親愛的Gaiadon Masters  , 


 Namaste .





Gaiadon Masters將要恢復〈Gaiadon心水晶管理者〉的角色。現在,就是我們協助這偉大轉化過程的殊勝時刻。




誠摯邀請所有的Gaiadon Masters,一起來參加這難得而神聖的<蓋雅之愛>冥想。經由五大階段的淨化及點化,我們將一起協助地球母親及人類進行神聖轉化,一起體驗來自於神深邃的聖愛  ...... 一起成為〈蓋雅之愛〉。





親愛的 Gaiadon 心!

Dearest Gaiadon Hearts!


You are the Light of the World, blazing forth from your One Heart, radiating with the purity of the Divine that you are!

你的本質現在被喚醒而且在你的心裡面積極與Gaiadon 心水晶小孩一起融合成為一個頻率。
Your essence is of the combined frequency of the Gaiadon Heart Crystal Child that is now awakened and active within your heart.

You have arrived at this point in your evolution where you are spinning out of your third dimensional physicality with an accelerated beauty of your inner radiance.

Your soul radiates with the brilliance of a newly birthed star and you emanate the peaceful love of the One Re-turned… and indeed your star-light is the brightest of all the stars within all star-spaces.

Beloved Ones, it is a time for an initiation, that you shall receive from the Heart of Goddess-God.

This initiation comes straight from the Source-Heart, and the force of Spirit, moves through your being as you open and receive.

Know that it is time for a great purification process to take place that shall sweep through the entire planetary system within this universe and all other planetary systems within other universes that are of the same third dimensional frequencies.

Stay in silence, and prepare.
As you enter your heart chamber, and move deeper and deeper within into the sacred sanctum of the great temple sanctuary, know Gaia herself forms the great central chamber.

你允許你自己被逐漸地抽離進入神聖心核心之內。 地球將會默默地盤旋在你周圍。
You allow yourself to be drawn gently into the sacred heart core. The planet revolves silently around you.

You are ready to witness a very powerful moment in the his-her-story of Gaia.

因為你在你的內在心之眼前面觀察人類歷史的整個傳說和進化,你見到你的許多一生,而且了解你是許多生命之前的你後合併進入光的這偉大存在之內。 因為你整合你的全部生命,我想要你釋放所有有關曾經是你的附件。 可能有很棒的需要知道你的過去的不同方面為了要知道現在的你是誰,但是親愛的一,加總起來全部的你是誰,是加更多的超過任何的那些生命你所曾經扮演過的。 看著你的光,審查你的力量,審查你的智慧。 整合所有各方面的你現在你已經是進入那內在你是獨立光主人…. 就是現在! 
As you observe the entire saga of human history and evolution span before your inner heart-eye, you see your many lifetimes, and understand that you were many beings before you merged into this great being of light. As you integrate all of your lifetimes, I would like you to release all attachments to who you have been. There may be a great need to know different aspects of your past in order to know who you are now, but dearest ones, the sum total of who you are, is much more than any of those beings that you have ever been. Look at your light, look at your power, look at your wisdom. Integrate all aspects of who you have been into the single light master that you are…. Now!

現在你準備好。 你在心寺廟裡面被帶過 5間神聖的會議室。
你進入第一間會議室,而且你見到在你之前見過有神的火焰的神聖的神壇。 它是擁有神的本質的紫水晶火焰。 當乙太火焰燃燒離開密度的第一層而且穿透過黃金層時候,放置這火焰裡面的地球而且擴張這火焰,穿越移動所有的方法對地球母親的心。看著靈性上的清理發生同樣地許多喚醒而且同步淨化他們的靈魂,準備了解他們自己擁有的內在的光。 神光的神聖頻率充滿整個地球,而且許多人類想法-形成進入較高的光之內變化著。
Now you are ready. You are taken through 5 sacred chambers within the Heart Temple.
First Purification:
You enter the first chamber and you see before you the sacred altar where there is a Divine Flame. It is an Amethyst Flame which holds the essence of Divinity. Place the planet within this flame and expand this flame as the Aetheric Flame burns away the first layer of density and penetrates through the auric layers, moving all the way through to the heart of Earth Mother. Watch as the spiritual cleansing takes place as many awaken and purify their souls, preparing to realize their own inner light. Waves of Divine Light flood the planet and many human thought-forms are transmuted into higher light.

進入第二間會議室,有裝滿空間的很棒的光。 極大的白色石英水晶自稱為地球很棒光-管理員,很喜歡我們的自然界的太陽。

當你接受越來越多的光進入你的身體細胞的時候,它開始讓進入很棒的智慧而且照明你的靈魂。 這光現在擴張來自光-水晶在你的心中而且穿透地球光體的第二層,淨化有著很棒量的愛和光的氛圍在所有的光層。 協助這一個程序吧,心愛的。
Second Purification:
Entering the second chamber, there is the Great Light that fills the space. A huge white quartz crystal announces itself as the Great Light-keeper of the planet, much like our physical sun.

It initiates you into great wisdom and illuminates your soul as you receive more and more light into your body cells. This light now expands from the Light-Crystal in your heart and penetrates the second layer of the earth’s light body, purifying the atmosphere and all light layers with great amounts of love and light. Assist this process, beloved ones.


因為你移動進入第三間會議室,進入你的心的聖杯之內,你感覺一個非常美麗的流動共振頻率,在來自核心結晶母體矩陣的液體光的波浪中流動,從外面進入宇宙之內。一個壯麗的玫瑰色的石英 Gaiadon 心出現在你之前而且顯示它本身作為很棒的心-管理員,心水晶-這創造的管理員。 因為你與它結合,你進入這合一的心啟動之內開始而且愛的最好力量從你脈動傳出,感覺愛的力量,在和平的放射中從你的生命的核心放射出來,脈動頻率。 讓這愛頻率透過你的心起漣漪波浪傳出,你的光身體跑出來進入地球和宇宙之內。 在水水晶光柵的很棒洗淨和在所有的水身體中的幫助,在地球裡面,在你的細胞中,連同在這宇宙的較棒的水域裡面。
Third Purification:

As you move into the third chamber, into the chalice of your heart, you sense a very beautiful fluid resonance, flowing in waves of liquid light from the core crystalline matrix, out into the universe.

A magnificent rose quartz Gaiadon heart appears before you and reveals itself as the Great Heart-Keeper, the Heart Crystal-Keeper of this Creation. As you merge with it, you are initiated into the One Heart Initiation, and the greatest force of love pulses out from you, Feel the Force of love, radiate from the core of your being in peaceful radiating, pulsating waves. Allow this love frequency to ripple out through your heart, your light body and out into the planet and the universe. Assist in the great purification of the water crystal grids and all the water bodies, within the planet, in your cells, as well as within the greater waters of this universe.


第四間會議室將你的焦點拉到令人驚奇的火-管理員的水晶。因為你奉獻給神供神用它,你再進入這水晶的權力之內被啟動-當做你成為它的監護人的管理員時。 你感覺放射它的光撫慰的火焰,然後開始放射它的織熱擴張而且包含整個的地球。 這使火清潔的使許多人類改變思想型態,而且把他們自已轉變成光。 因為這火焰的光掃除過地球的身體層,很多的痛苦被釋放,許多頑固被溶解,而且多光在地球上被創造。 現在是該使用這個程序和很棒的神聖元素淨化第三次元的時候。 而且我們現在一定要這麼做。
 Fourth Purification:

The Fourth Chamber draws to your focus a wonderful Fire-keeper Crystal. As you consecrate it, you are again initiated into the powers of this Crystal-keeper as you become its guardian. You sense the soothing Flame radiating its light, and then begin to radiate its glow to expand and encompass the whole planet. This cleansing fire transmutes many human thought patterns, and transforms them into light. As the light of this flame sweeps through the physical layers of the planet, much suffering is released, many densities are dissolved and much light is created on the earth. It is time to use the process and the Great Divine Elements to purify the third dimension. And we must do this Now.


在第五間會議室的中心中,你見到在你之前很棒的地球-管理員的水晶和你交出 Gaiadon 心給它。 這一地球之上有 12個地球守衛者,而且他們都有參與這方面任務。 這 12個 地球-管理員進入至聖所而且圍繞最初的地球-管理員。 立刻你了解,你是第 13 地球-管理人。 立刻你了解,你是最初的地球-管理員。 當第一個和第 13 個地球-管理員的結合時,這個循環的完成你將會回歸你的身分。 你奉獻供神用最初的地球-管理員和它開始進入較深的創造秘密。 地球管理員現在開始發紅光和它開始使外面的深處脈動頻率移動穿越地球光柵的地球共鳴。 你可能感覺深層一跳一跳的,像脈膊開始一般,當做大陸開始的洗淨。 非常柔和地,和和睦地,你促進地球的遠古創傷的潔淨,由與來源的最初分離的傷害治癒開始。 允許時間讓你協助這件充滿愛的工作時刻的到來。
Fifth Purification:

Now you are ready for the final initiation:
In the center of the Fifth Chamber, you see before you the great Earth-keeper Crystal and you offer the Gaiadon Heart to it. There are 12 earthkeepers upon this planet and they are in attendance. The 12 Earth-keepers enter the sanctum and surround the Original Earth-keeper. Immediately you understand that you are the 13th Earth-keeper. Immediately you realize that you are the Original Earth-keeper. As the 1st and the 13th Earth-keeper merge, the circle is complete and you have Re-turned. You consecrate the Original Earth-keeper and it initiates you into deeper creation mysteries. The Earth-keeper now begins to glow with an ethereal light and it begins to sends out deep pulsing earth resonances that move through the earth grids. You may feel the deep throbbing, like a pulse begin, as the Purification of the Land masses begin. Very gently, and harmoniously you facilitate the cleansing of the ancient wounds of the planet, beginning with healing of the hurt of the original separation from Source. Allow time as you assist in this loving task.

現在當所有的五個水晶的管理員開始進入中心和合併進入合一的時候 , 有一個很棒的典禮。 你是這一個在你的保險箱-保管中的水晶的監護人。 你是 Gaiadon 心水晶-管理員。 你將繼續從你的一個心愛的治癒波動頻率計畫,那將不變地升起地球的意識和所有的那些在它上面生活的生命們繼續投注愛。
Now there is a great ceremony as all the five crystal keepers begin to move into the center and merge into one. You are guardians of the One Crystal that is in your safe-keeping. You are the Gaiadon Heart Crystal-keeper. You shall continue to project from your One Heart the healing waves of love, that shall constantly raise the consciousness of the planet and all those that live upon it.

As the light quotient is expanded from your heart, you reach the light frequency of the ascended beings that have remained to serve Gaia, on the surface and also within, and you shall commune with them to fulfill the Divine mission of unifying all aspects of planetary polarities into balance and oneness.


Your heart fills with the purest love of Source-Heart that pours from every cell of your being.

There is a new pulsing frequency that thrills through your being and ripples out into the cosmos.
Earth and Source unite in this moment within your heart and you witness the grand liberation of this planet into Her true form of Light.

你是那合一的心。 在這經歷歡喜。 目擊對她的她總是如此最初純淨和完美回歸的地球。 無罪和神從她的小孩-母親心發亮。

You are that One Heart. Rejoice in this experience. Witness the Earth re-turning to her original purity and perfection that she has always been. The innocence and divinity shines from her child-mother heart.

Your initiation continues….
From this Force of Creation, there emanates a very powerful, vibration of Love that is the greatest Love that you have ever experienced.

感覺愛的力量,從你的生命的核心放射在和平中,放射,振動波動頻率。 讓這愛頻率透過你的心起漣漪散發出來,你的光身體跑出來進入地球和宇宙之內。

Feel the Force of love, radiate from the core of your being in peaceful, radiating, pulsating waves. Allow this love frequency to ripple out through your heart, your light body and out into the planet and the universe.

This love frequency holds the purest divine-essence as you allow these radiations to spread out and touch all of creation, and you touch everything with this love.....


Let your Gaia-Love sweep this beautiful planet and observe Gaia emerging through the chrysalis of her being, and you facilitate the meta-morphosis of the planet into the new Fifth Dimensional Gaia-Star.







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