聖經啟示錄上說它是”時代的結束”(End of Time)。荷皮族人的傳說是荷皮藍星或藍色卡奇納預言( Blue Kachina Prophecy)很快會到臨。預言說”當藍色卡奇納之星在天空出現,第五世界將出現”,這將是淨化之日。荷皮族人所說的藍色卡奇納星便是天狼星。第五世界將從卡奇納在平原舞蹈並揭開他的面具時開始。
[註: 現實只是一個隱喻,在其中我們發現我們是誰以及我們為何在此的更大真理。我們靈魂的一部分告訴我們這個變化發生在全球的集體意識層次,藍色頻率是其中的一部分。天狼星是艾希絲(Isis)─回歸更高頻率的陰性能量─意識的重新誕生。在我們循著神聖幾何的路徑盤旋而上的過程,藍色連結更高以及未來的意識頻率。藍色─電性─我們的實相就像一種電磁場的網絡序列。藍色:靛藍小孩,藍色外星人,艾希絲(Isis),昴宿星,天狼星,藍色銀河,藍色脈輪,藍光和昇天的大師,以及更多更多將憑空出現(out of the blue)。你可以以”blue”為字眼去搜尋,探索更多與藍色有關的事項。 http://www.crystalinks.com/hopi2.html]
冥王星軌道的形狀像個雞蛋,它是太陽系中唯一軌道為橢圓形的行星。在這裡有我們在尋找的關於未來會發生什麼,以及我們如何用健康和正面的方法利用這個機會的答案。宇宙蛋(Cosmic Egg)象徵某種靈性、生理學和宇宙觀,它代表最初的渾沌,宇宙的矩陣,甚深哲理(the great Deep),聖母(Virgin Mother)以及從它所生出的宇宙體系和世界。渾沌或太空,是尚有一切前原始的蛋,由靈性的光所構成,從它生起了第三層次的神識(the third Logos)。那蛋是一切生命的創造者。
1. For western style meditation sit in a straight-backed chair in a relaxed position. This position may be used by anyone. It is the position used by some of the ancients and western meditators throughout the ages. If you cannot sit, you can lie down with a pillow beneath your knees to support your lower back. Don't forget a pillow for your head as well.
Eastern style meditation you may adopt sitting on the floor with legs crossed in the folded lotus position. Stretch your body, then feel, tense and relax any contracted areas. Do this several times. Become aware of your body and all its parts and inch by inch relax.
2. You may want to imagine a string at the top of your head pulling your spine erect. Feel the vertebrae of your spine gently stretched and your spine elongated and then mentally place each vertebrae beginning at the bottom of your spine, one upon the other, until your whole spine feels aligned. Then hold the position, but relax into a comfortable state.
3. Now, Visualize yourself within an Egg shaped field which extends outward above your crown to below/beneath your feet. It is extending in all directions at least 3 feet from your body.
4. Ground yourself now, by imaging silver roots of a tree wrapping gently around your ankles and the tip of the root down through your feet and at least a hundred feet down into Mom Earth.
5. In your brow or behind your eyes, imagine seeing our spiral armed galaxy. At the core or center of it, there is beautiful white and gold light throbbing and emanating from it. Draw this light from there and into your aura. Imagine this living light energy above your head, the sacred white/gold energy from the spiral and you draw it down through the top of your head and into your body.
6. Anchor this light in your heart area. Breathe naturally, feel the beating of your heart and your breath and allow them to become as one: at some point your breathing and heart will be in a natural rhythm. You will notice that you become peaceful.
7. On the in breath, feel and imagine the light coming into your body. As you exhale, allow the light to expand and fill your head, then your shoulders and arms, then allow the light to fill your torso area, then allow the light to fill your legs and feet.
8. Continue to draw the Galactic Center light down through each of the chakras; allow the light to expand to fill your body from each chakra. After you feel that your whole body is filled with light, allow the light to expand past your body to fill the field of the circle then the whole of the Auric region until you can feel it three feet around your body in all directions. Imagine that the outer edge of this sphere is solid and impenetrable. You may see your entire aura 'breathe' or expand/contract as this heart energy from our galaxy throbs in wavelike motion into you and your energy field. Maintain this space for at least 15-20 minutes or longer if you like.
Notes: This is a heart meditation with the center of our galaxy. You may not be able to handle more than five minutes of it at first, but the more you do it, the more you attune yourself to this frequency of energy being released. You will always fill uplifted and peaceful during and after the meditation. _________________ Love and Light, Lucia