1. 鼻的疾病
(1). 鼻子
(2). 咽喉
(3). 支氣管
2. 下巴的蓄膿症
(1). 鼻子
(2). 上面和前面咽喉凹陷處
(3). 胸
(4). 咽喉
(5). 腎
(6). 胃
(7). 腸
(8). 血交換
3. 流鼻血
(1). 鼻骨
(2). 頭的背面
4. 喉嚨痛和扁桃腺炎
(1). 咽喉
(2). 扁桃腺
(3). 支氣管
(4). 腎
(5). 肺
(6). 胃
(7). 腸
(8). 頭
5. 氣管炎和支氣管炎
(1). 氣管和支氣管
(2). 肺
(3). 胃
(4). 腸
(5). 心
(6). 腎
(7). 頭
6. 肺炎哮喘
(1). 肺
(2). 支氣管
(3). 心
(4). 肝臟
(5). 胰臟
(6). 胃
(7). 腸
(8). 腎
(9). 血交換
7. 氣喘; 慢性和激烈的氣喘
1. 支氣管
2. 肺
3. 肝臟
4. 胰臟
5. 橫隔膜
6. 胃
7. 腸
8. 腎
9. 頭
10. 鼻子
11. 心
8. 肺疾病
(1). 肺區域
(2). 心
(3). 肝臟
(4). 胰臟
(5). 胃
(6). 腸
(7). 膀胱
(8). 腎
(9). 脊髓
(10). 頭
(附註)在不管他們的年齡的女人情況,總是治療子宮和卵巢。 做血液交換是有效的,但是不做身體很虛弱和非常不舒服病人。
9. 肋膜疾病
(1). 胸區域大體上
(2). 心
(3). 肝臟
(4). 胰臟
(5). 胃
(6). 腸
(7). 腎
(8). 血交換
Chapter 3: Respiratory Diseases
1. Nasal Diseases
Acute and chronic nasal catarrh, hypertrophic and atrophic nasal catarrh
1. nose
2. throat
3. bronchi
2. Maxillary Empyema
1. nose
2. depression of upper and front jaw
3. chest
4. throat
5. kidneys
6. stomach
7. intestines
8. blood exchange
3. Nosebleed Epistaxis
1. nasal bones
2. back of the head
(NOTE) If menstruation is late and nosebleed occurs, treat the wombs and ovaries.
4. Sore Throat and Tonsillitis
1. throat
2. tonsil
3. bronchi
4. kidneys
5. lungs
6. stomach
7. intestines
8. head
(NOTE) In the case of tonsillitis , treat the kidneys well.
5. Tracheitis and Bronchitis
1. tracheas and bronchi
2. lungs
3. stomach
4. intestines
5. heart
6. Kidneys
7. head
6. Pneumonia Catarrhalcroupous
1. lungs
2. bronchi
3. heart
4. liver
5. pancreas
6. stomach
7. Intestines
8. kidneys
9. blood exchange
7. Asthma; Chronic and Acute Asthma
1. bronchi
2. lungs
3. liver
4. pancreas
5. diaphragm
6. stomach
7. intestines
8. kidneys
9. head
10. nose
11. heart
(NOTE) In the case of an acute attack, you may let your patient sit up and treat
them in this position.
8. Lung Diseases
Pulmonary edema, abscess, pulmonary tuberculosis, emphysema of lungs
1. lung area
2. heart
3. liver
4. pancreas
5. stomach
6. intestines
7. bladder
8. kidneys
9. spinal cord
10. head
(NOTE) In the case of women regardless of their age , always treat the wombs and the ovaries. Doing blood exchange is effective, but do not do it with very weak and very sick patients.
9. Pleura Diseases
Both dry and moist
1. chest area in general
2. heart
3. liver
4. pancreas
5. stomach
6. intestines
7. kidneys
8. blood exchange
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