Reiki Healing Class - Third Night
The one, two, three, and four treatment:

嚴格精確的位置。 教師說太陽神經叢好比身體主要動力來源,它影響所有的其
(6)位置是 如果祕結可以擺的位置。
在上帝-精華或是一個神聖而有益健康的晚餐- 個體)
肺炎、肺結核、癌症 (任何地方), 膽囊- 總是應用 1
到 4 治療。
靈氣 =宇宙生命能量,神-力量,有創造力的智慧。
食物: 柚子汁,生的肉甜菜,搗碎了生的芹菜,豆漿。
(5) 指出為結腸和膽囊治癒位置。
更壞地得到時, 增加流程清潔是發生時的指示。
肺炎: 放置病人的手臂在和之後在頭之下。 然後放置病人臉上,上面範圍與兩
小心: 不要移去病人遮蓋物,不過完全覆蓋雙手在上面。 如果病人
吃液體的食物。 治療後二小時之後。
打嗝: 放在頭和治療橫隔膜 (3&4) 後面的手臂,直到它停止。 打噴嚏:相同
心麻煩除了原先因素之外還有其他原因造成的! 治療 1-4, 然後治療心。
高血壓: 治療 1-4, 然後頭、咽喉和心。
肺氣腫: 治療 1-4
It is an almost universal treatment, and since the hands cover a rather large area, one need not be concerned about exact locations. The instructor said the Solar Plexus can be compared to the main-motor of the body, it affects all other operations, therefore keep it in A-one operating order!
Bad breath is an indication of poor digestion (or bad teeth!) (6) is location if constipated.
One can treat people, plants, animals and fish with REIKI.
Vitalize your food (bless it, see it as God-substance, thus every meal is partaking
in God-substance or is a Holy and Wholesome supper- Unity)
Pneumonia, Tuberculosis, Cancer (anywhere), Gallbladder - always apply the 1
to 4 treatment.
Treat light cases first in order to gain confidence and to build up the healing - channel's own faith in Reiki. Never give up!
R E I K I = Universal Life Energy, God-Power, Creative Intelligence. Food: Grapefruit juice, raw beets, grated raw celery, soy-milk.
(5) indicates healing location for colons and gall bladder.
Raw red beets are excellent for cancer and blood purification.
Stay away at first from third stage Hemorrhage treatments, but go ahead with second stage, however be prepared to see it get worse at first, add'l flow is indication that cleaning is taking place.
Pneumonia: Place arms of patient behind and under head. Then with patient laying face up, reach with both hands under patient and treat one side of lungs, then stand on other side and treat that same way.
Caution : Do not uncover patient, only enough to lay on hands. If patient
perspires, wash gently, always rub UP towards heart, face and throat rub down.
Give liquid food. Treatment lasts as much as two hours.
Hiccups: Put arms behind head and treat diaphragm (3&4) until it stops. Perma-Sneeze: Treat same as nose bleeding.
Heart trouble is not a cause but the effect of trouble elsewhere! Treat 1 to 4, then treat the heart.
High blood Pressure: Treat 1 to 4, then head, throat and heart.
Emphysema: Treat 1 to 4
☆華哥觀點★ 回饋社會! 繼續做亢達里尼靈氣第3部靈氣雜誌電子書!
哇! 真的是豐富到不行! 雖然翻譯進度有點慢! 沒辦法不是外國人! 靈氣療癒團哦! 這個想法不錯! 大家把所學靈氣療癒法互相交流一下! 再組團去幫人療癒囉! 療癒所得抽部分10%來做公益! 500元就是50元來存入公益基金! 當做公益基金,把這部分收益來助養貧苦家庭小孩! 基金用途以幫助社會為主! 不曉得大家覺得如何! 只是提供點燈想法而已! 敬請期待後續翻譯…… 廣告時間:在新視窗開啟即可!我在看這個亢達里尼靈氣的內容時!