你能在需要額外的力量在特定的地方上使用雷射天線。 你
能把一些放到下一個把它們放在彼此之間。 你也能在針灸點上應用他們。
”這玻璃石頭現在將成為一個超光速粒子靈氣藉由能量正在獨自地從底部出來的 12 X 力量”
力量可能是任何的你喜歡的。 僅僅只要記得,如果是不習慣使用超光速粒子靈氣的人,只要攜帶 6 X 作為極大值。
使你的身體成為一個超光速粒子靈氣天線需要你已經與超光速粒子靈氣合作一些時間。 這將避免沉重的洗滌症狀。 這一個理論因此被放在之內你已經在你自己的身體上創造一些工具和感覺超光速粒子靈氣9。
在一些時間之後從 1 X 力量增加開始。 多快仰賴每個人承受度,因此使用你的直覺去增加。
How to create a Laser antenna
You can use laser antennas on specific local places, where extra strength is required. You
can place several next to each other. You can also apply them on acupuncture points.
Say the following mentally:
“This glass stone will now become a Tacyon antenna
with 12 X strength, where the energy is solely coming out of the bottom”
The strength can be whatever you like. Just remember, that persons who are not used to
Tacyon, should carry 6 X as a maximum.
Good luck! Warmest regards
Dr. Jake Wakefield,
Notes for Tacyon 9
Your body as a Tacyon antenna
To make your body into a Tacyon antenna requires that you have worked with Tacyon
for some time. This is to avoid the heavy cleansing symptoms. This theory is therefore placed in Tacyon 9, where you have created several tools and felt Tacyon on your own body.
You should not focus only on single parts of the body, but on the body as a whole. So you could as an example say the following:
“My body will now become a Tacyon antenna.”
Start with 1 X strength and increase after some time. How fast depends on the individual, so use your intuition.
回饋社會! 繼續做亢達里尼靈氣第4部點化進入靈氣能量系統!
哇! 真的是豐富到不行! 雖然翻譯進度有點慢! 沒辦法不是外國人! 靈氣療癒團哦! 這個想法不錯! 大家把所學靈氣療癒法互相交流一下! 再組團去幫人療癒囉! 療癒所得抽部分10%來做公益! 500元就是50元來存入公益基金! 當做公益基金,把這部分收益來助養貧苦家庭小孩! 基金用途以幫助社會為主! 不曉得大家覺得如何! 只是提供點燈想法而已! 如果覺得本部落格不錯! 敬請期待後續翻譯…… 廣告時間:在新視窗開啟即可!我在看這個亢達里尼靈氣的內容時!