©全球版權 1999,2000 Richard Rivard –請自由分享
© Universal Copyright 1999, 2000 Richard Rivard -- please share freely
Usui Reiki Hikkei
The Usui Reiki Handbook
在1998年秋天,它被鼓勵去讀部分的它在F. Arjava Petter的書 “靈氣:臼井博士的遺產”。
For some time now I have known about the class booklet that Usui-sensei gave to his students and I have always wondered what it contained. In the Autumn of 1998, it was Inspiring to read part of it in F. Arjava Petter's book "Reiki: The Legacy of Dr. Usui" .
在 1999 年六月,我感激地受到了來自在日本獲得這的 Akihiko Uechi 的日文副本。關於 臼井紀念書的翻譯,我感覺這一本書的文字翻譯能證明為靈氣開業者是有用的和當做比對Arjava美好工作來說是有趣的。我想要使這指導可以讓所有的靈氣開業者都能獲得,主要地因為它是一個有關臼井先生的工作,能夠們全部共享任何靈氣的水準。
In June, 1999 I gratefully received a Japanese copy from Akihiko Uechi who had obtained this in Japan. As with the Usui memorial translation, I felt a literal translation of this book might prove useful for Reiki practitioners and as an interesting comparison to Arjava's fine work. I wanted to make this guide available to all Reiki practitioners, mainly because it is one work of Usui- sensei's that we can all share at any Reiki level.
在翻譯期間,我們發現臼井先生的章節在這個治癒指引確實非常像Hayashi博士年後分享給 Takata 太太,一且它已經被翻譯少數來到西方。
During translation we discovered that Usui-sensei's section on the Method of Healing Guide was indeed very similar to the Healing Guide that Dr. Hayashi shared years later with Mrs. Takata., and which has been translated by a few from the West.
在 1999 年八月,在溫哥華的一個日本靈氣研討會, Arjava 告訴我他最後集合完整列舉書在 1999 秋天。僅僅相似他的先前作品,我認為這一個版本呈現的很好好和非常有趣一種翻譯風格的比較。
In August, 1999 at a Japanese Reiki seminar here in Vancouver, Arjava told me he had finally
put together a complete illustrated book which would be available in the fall of 1999. Just like
his previous works, I think this version is well presented and very interesting to have as a comparison of translation styles.
這個翻譯來自之前臼井靈氣療法現代主席的副本,已故的 Kimiko Koyama太太傳遞給她的學生。我增加這一行去讀第 01 頁到標明的那一頁第68頁文件轉換參考到第00頁在目錄表格頁。(空白的頁指的就是最初的那一頁就是空的)當然 Gyosei 章節仍然在撰寫進展的時候,我認為現在我必須分享給你我完成的前三章。在結束的附近,我增加了完整的告誡,和發靈氣的副本引人注意冥想這似乎是普通的位置是 Gyosei所說的告戒。
This translation here is from a copy that the former Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai head, the late Mrs. Kimiko Koyama, handed out to her students. I added the lines that read Page 01 to indicate from which page in the 68 page document that the translation refers to - Page 00 being the table of contents page. (BLANK PAGE means the original page was empty) While the Gyosei section is still in progress, I thought that now I had the first 3 sections complete I should share with you. Near the end, I added in the complete Precepts, and a copy of the Hatsurei ho meditation as this seems to be the common place where the Gyosei and Precepts are spoken.
請全部自由地分享,並且如果你編輯這個檔案,請保留它的版權。 從心分享,理查 R. Rivard
Please share this freely with all, and if you edit this, please leave the copyright with it. Sharing from the Heart,
Richard R. Rivard
I would also like to extend my gratitude to the following who assisted with the translation and corrections.
翻譯- 章節1 - Mari Marchand, (溫哥華,西元前,加拿大)
章節2 - Mari Marchand, (溫哥華,西元前,加拿大)
章節3 - Emiko Arai 、理查 Rivard, Nadya Zaverganietz(溫哥華,西元前,加拿大)
章節4 -艾美院長 (Ojai,加州) 21-125: 翻譯(請見網站 http://www.threshold.ca)
評論由靈氣大師Hiroshi Doi先生在 Gyosei
Myazuki Iwasaki(日本東京), 安德魯保齡球(Folkestone 、英格蘭,英國)
1.1 版 - 十月 25/99 日 (拼字訂正感謝加百列)
1.2 版 - 十一月 25/99 日 (在治癒指引方面命名修正)
1.3 版 - 二月 17/00 日 (期限內修正從 " Mikao 博士 臼井的最初手冊 " - F.A. Petter)
1.4 版 - 六月 12/00 日 (由艾美院長的附加和 Gyosei 方面的訂正; 增加脊柱的圖形)
Translation – Section 1 - Mari Marchand, (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
Section 2 - Mari Marchand, (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
Section 3 - Emiko Arai, Richard Rivard, Nadya Zaverganietz (Vancouver, BC, Canada) Section 4 - Amy Dean (Ojai, California) 21-125: in translation (see www.threshold.ca) Comments by Reiki Master Mr. Hiroshi Doi on the Gyosei
- Myazuki Iwasaki (Tokyo Japan), Andrew Bowling (Folkestone, England, UK)
Version 1.1 - Oct. 25/99 (spelling corrections thanks to Gabriel)
Version 1.2 - Nov. 25/99 (naming corrections in Healing Guide)
Version 1.3 - Feb. 17/00 (terms corrected from "The Original Handbook of Dr. Mikao Usui"- F.A. Petter)
Version 1.4 - June 12/00 (additions and corrections to Gyosei by Amy Dean; add spinal graphic)
(this page is intentionally left blank)
Usui Reiki Hikkei
The Usui Reiki Handbook
===== translation begins =====
頁數00 (這個是真正日文文字)
Page 00 (this is the actual Japanese text)
1 Teachings of Usui Reiki Ryoho
2. | 2. | Explanation of Instruction For the Public |
3. | 3. | Method of Healing Guide |
(Ryoho Shishon)
4. 4. Poems of the Meiji Emperor
(Meiji Renno Gyosei)

Page 01 (this is the actual Japanese text)
Teachings of Usui Reiki Ryoho for Improvement
The Secrets of Inviting Happiness
Te Spiritual Medicine for All Illnesses
Do not be angry today
Do not be anxious, be grateful
Be diligent, be kind to others
Do Gassho every morning and evening
And keep in your mind
And recite