

Metatron (from Greek Meta+Tron meaning Beyond+Matrix.).


Metatron is an angel in Judaism, some branches of Christianity and Islamic tradition Witchcraft. However, there are no references to him in the Jewish Tanakh (Old Testament), the Christian Scriptures (New Testament) or any Islamic source.



There is no consensus as to his genesis or the role that he plays in the hierarchy of Heaven and Hell. A mysterious figure, Metatron is identified with the term, "lesser YHVH" which is the Lesser Tetragrammaton - in a Talmudic version read by the Karaite scholar Kirkisani.



The word 'Metatron' is numerically equivalent to Shaddai according to Hebrew gem atria, therefore he is said to have a "Name like his Master".



The Talmud records an incident with Elisha ben Abuya, also called Aher ("another"), who is said to have entered Paradise, and saw Metatron sitting down (an action in heaven that is permissible only to God Himself). Elisha ben Abuya therefore looked to Metatron as a Deity, and is reported to have said, "There are indeed two powers in heaven!" 塔木特記載了一個與以利沙本阿比雅的事件,也稱為阿哈(「另一個」),據說是進入了天堂,看見了梅塔特隆正在坐下(一個天堂的情節,只有神本身才允許)。以利沙因此把梅塔特隆視為神,也記載著「事實上是天堂的兩種力量」。


The rabbis explain that Metatron was allowed to sit because of his function as the Heavenly Scribe, writing down the deeds of Israel, mush as Thoth was the Egyptian scribe.



According to one school of thought  Enoch was taken by God and transformed into Metatron, explaining the mysterious passage "Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him away (Genesis 5:24 NIV). However, this viewpoint is not shared by many Talmudic authorities.



There may be two Metatrons, one spelled with six letters, and one spelled with seven. The former may be the transformed Enoch, while the latter is the Primordial Metatron.



The Zohar calls Metatron "the Youth", identifies him as the angel that led the people of Israel through the wilderness after their exodus from Egypt, and describes him as a heavenly priest.



Metatron is also mentioned in the Pseude pigrapha,most prominently in the Hebrew Book of Enoch (also called Third Enoch), in which his grand title, "the lesser YHVH" resurfaces. According to Johann Eisenmenger, Metatron transmits the daily orders of God to the angels Gabriel and Sammael. Metatron is often identified as being the twin brother to Sandalphon, who is said to have been the prophet Elijah

 梅塔特隆也在聖經的模擬(偽仿)作品提到過,最顯著的是希伯來語的以諾書(也稱為以諾三書),他的重要名字是「僅次於耶和華」的重新露面。依照Johann Eisenmenger,梅塔特隆向加百列天使和撒母耳傳達神的日常命令。梅塔特隆也經常被看成是桑德楓的孿生兄弟,據說已經是以利亞先知。

Metatron's Cube梅塔特隆的立方體



The Flower of Life has thirteen circles. [13=4=time] If each circle's center is considered a "node", and each node is connected to each other node with a single line, a total of seventy-eight lines are created. Within this cube, many other shapes can be found, including two-dimensionally flattened versions of the five platonic solids.In early kabbalist scriptures, Metatron supposedly forms the cube from his soul.


This Cube can later be seen in Christian art, where it appears on his chest or floating behind him. Metatron's cube is also considered a holy glyph, and was often drawn around an object or person to ward off demons and satanic powers.



This idea is also present in alchemy, in which the cube was favored as a containment circle or creation circle.



The simplest means of constructing Metatron's Cube is to begin with a cube flattened along a diagonal that passes through its centre, such that it becomes a 2D figure, equivalent to a regular hexagon divided via its own diagonals into six equilateral triangles. The vertices of this 2D figure are then connected with additional lines. Several steps later, the full Metatron's Cube figure is formed.


One must understand the metaphors of this geometry to understand Metatron and the electromagnetic nature of the creational of our reality. Metatron's Latin name is 'Metator' - A guide or measurer As in 'Creational Geometry' - or 'Metaphor'. Some say he is an Archangel as in 'Arcs or Angles of Geometry.

一旦明白了這個幾何圖形的隱喻,就會明白到梅塔特隆和我們的創造實相的電磁場本性。梅塔特隆的拉丁名字是「梅塔特」—— 一個引路人或者測量器,就像「創作物的幾何學」一樣——或者是「隱喻」。一些人說他是一位天使長,就像「拱形或盎格魯人的幾何學」一樣。

This was also attributed to Thoth.  這也歸因於透特神。






體驗神聖幾何(Sacred Geometry)的魅力
Flower of Life生命








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