我測出來,真的很準! 因為我的結果是"耶利米爾"!(又再度驗證....)
The Angel Test (守護天使測驗)
Angels are androgynous (雌雄同體)beings said to protect us when we are in danger, show us the way when we are lost, comfort us, and lead us through our trials and tribulations. There are hundreds of Angels, each one of them having a more or less unique purpose. Let's find out what kind of earthly or spiritual matters you could use some angelic help with! (天使的存在是來保護我們,尤其在苦難與危險時刻,引領並安慰我們。上百位天使中,每位都有自己獨特的存在意義與使命。讓我們來看看在物質或精神世界中,你可以尋求哪位天使的幫助)
Note: Though there are supposedly seven Archangels, there has been some debate on who the seven are. In this test, all Angels speculated to be Archangels will be titled as such. Ultimately there are 10 "Archangels" in it. (一般有七位大天使的說法,但是哪七位則有爭論。此處將10位天使皆稱為大天使)
Also note that although Angels are agreed to be androgynous they are usually referred to as male. (雖然天使為雌雄同體,但通常被認為是男性,只有極少數情況會被認為是女性。)On rare occasions an Angel may be explicitly referred to as female, but not usually. I will be using "he" simply because it's more respectful than "it", but actually I agree that it's not quite fair neither correct, but what will you do. Most of us know that certain orthodox religions are not exactly pioneers of admitting female characters the same worthiness of being revered or at least mentioned as the male characters we all know so well. In fact, they are usually portrayed as impure or cunning. Slightly dim at best. Anyway, it won't change anytime soon so I won't dwell on it. My apologies.
(All images are copyright Michael Parkes. Thanks to angelicartistry.com, connectingwithlight.com, and uhm, Google.com.)
I am the Archangel Raziel
My name means "Secret of God"
I am the Angel of the Sacred Mysteries
and the
Keeper of the Secrets of the Universe
I am the Patron Angel of
Law Makers and Lawyers
Article From: http://www.angelicartistry.com/raziel1.htm
- Do you feel like most people around you are rude or unfair?
- Often / Sometimes 通常
- Rarely / Never 很少/從來沒有
- 你覺得孤單或墮落嗎
- 2. Do you feel lonely or abandoned?
Often / Sometimes
Rarely / Never
- 你受苦於夢魘,焦慮或一個恐怖病嗎?
- 3. Do you suffer from nightmares, anxiety, or a phobia?
Often / Sometimes
Rarely / Never
- 4. Are you or is a close friend, family member, or significant other severely depressed?
Yes, I am. / Someone I care about is. 是的,有些我關心他們
No, I don't think so. / No one particularly close to me. 不並沒有靠近我
- 5. Have you been worried about your own or someone else's health, happiness, or safety lately?
Yes, I have.
No, I haven't.
6. Are you or is someone close to you afflicted with / recovering from a serious illness, or dealing with the aftermath of an accident?Yes, I am. / Yes, someone I care about is.
No, I don't think so. / No one particularly close to me.
- 7. Have you recently suffered the loss of someone or something dear to you?
Yes, I have. / Time has passed, but it still hurts. 時間過去已經造成傷害
No, I haven't. / He, she or it was not that special to me. 並沒有特別對我影響
- 8. Are you an exceptionally good counsellor?
I have been told that I am. / I like to think that I am.
No, not really. / I wouldn't know.
你的工作,未來工作或夢想工作包括個人諮商或治癒嗎? 治癒環境變數。 治癒經濟等
- 9. Does your job, future job, or dream job involve counselling or healing? Healing the environment counts. Healing economy doesn't.
Yes, it does. / Yes, in a sense... 在的它是我的議題之一
No, it doesn't.
你最近參與一場在任一邊中結束的爭論?你感覺被傷害,或在一個 " 誹謗 " 的尤其低劣情形中?
- 10. Have you recently been involved in a dispute that ended in either sides feelings being hurt, or in an especially mean case of "backbiting"?
Yes, it did hurt. / Yes, and I still feel bad for him or her.傷害已經造成
No, fortunately not. / Yes, but he or she will survive. 還算好!
- 11. Has a friend, family member, or significant other recently decided to end the relationship with you, or have you been abandoned when you needed support most?
Yes, I was devastated. / Yes, but I wasn't surprised. 已經分開,我不驚訝
No, nothing of the kind happened. / Yes, but it's okay, really. 並沒有發生,還好
- 12. Are you still hurting from an event from your distant past?
Yes, quite a bit. / Yes, but I clench my teeth and push through. 差不多還在
No, I can't think of anything. / No, I am over it. I think. 我已經克服它了
- 13. Do you make a point of figuring out why things are the way they are?
Often / Sometimes
Rarely / Never
- 14. Are you a student, apprentice, or anything of some sort?
Yes, I am. / I am going to be one, soon.
No, I'm not. / No, not anymore.
- 15. Does your job, future job, or dream job require a high degree of intelligence, education, confidence, or the ability to use words to your favour?
Yes, it does. / Yes, to a certain degree. 是的它是這樣
No, it doesn't. / Not usually. 並不是
- 16. Do you have difficulties concentrating or thinking clearly?
Often / Sometimes
Rarely / Never
- 17. Have you recently crammed immense amounts of knowledge into your head within a short time, or are you currently in such a situation?
Yes, that describes it pretty well. 還不錯
No, not recently. 並不常
- 18. Do you ever wish you wouldn't have to study as hard as you do?
Often / Sometimes
Rarely / Never
- 19. Do you have an artistic talent, such as an awesome singing voice, an individual writing style, an eye for colour, or anything of the sort?
Indeed I do. / It's not listed, but magnificent none the less! 確實是我有的
No, I don't think I'm talented. 我不覺得是我的天份
- 20. Are you currently learning how to paint, dance, design, play a musical instrument, or anything of the kind?
Yes, I am. / Not yet, but soon.
No, I'm not. I don't think I will be anytime soon.
你寫作嗎? 書、詩、你自己的歌、鋼筆和紙 RPG 故事集,等等全部計算。 報告、處方、食品雜貨目錄,等等不。
- 21. Do you write? Books, poetry, your own songs, pen and paper RPG story lines, etc. all count. Reports, prescriptions, grocery lists, etc. don't.
Often / Sometimes
Rarely / Never
你普遍現在在一種情形中呼叫 " 作家的區段 ", 或一相等的適用於讓你不能活用你的人才或你的職業?
- 22. Are you currently in a situation commonly called the "writer's block", or an equivalent applicable to your profession that makes you unable to put your talents to a good use?
Yes! Help me! / No, I am just taking a break. 是的幫助我
No, I'm creative as always. / If I was, I didn't notice. 不我總是在創造!
- 23. Is there a concert, exhibition, or deadline coming up?
Yes, I am expected to get it together by then.
No, nothing of the kind is scheduled for the near future.
你的工作,未來工作或夢工作需要創造力,美麗,一個協調感或任何事嗎? 設計網站等等。 寫程式等。
- 24. Does your job, future job, or dream job require creativity, beauty, a sense of harmony, or anything of the kind? Designing websites counts. Programming doesn't.
Yes, lots and lots of it. / Yes, it wouldn't hurt.
No, it doesn't. / Not quite.
If its inspiration and knowledge you seek
25. Is there a person that means the world to you?
Yes, he or she means more than the world to me.
No, there's no one. / I could do without him or her. 我不需要他或她
- 26. Do you have a child or children?
Yes, I do. / I'm a teacher, school nurse, midwife, etc. 是的我是老師,護士,
No, I don't have children. / Yes, somewhere out there.我沒有小孩
- 27. How about pets? Everyone likes pets.
Yes, I love my pet. / I love someone else's pet! (Scandalous.) 是的我喜歡寵物
True, but I don't have one. / I don't love mine. 是的,但是我沒有養
- 28. Are you the kind of person that takes care of everyone regardless of how tough it can be at times?
Often / Sometimes
Rarely / Never
- 29. Are you responsible for the life, health, happiness, fortune, etc. of anyone besides yourself?
Often / Sometimes
Rarely / Never
- 30. Does your job, future job, or dream job require a big amount of mental strength, courage, or an unshakeable willpower?
Yes, all of the above. / Those things might come in handy. 確實如此
No, it doesn't. / Not in a direct sense. 並不需要,只要直接的感覺
- 31. Do you feel taken advantage of, stressed, overloaded, or not appreciated enough?
Often / Sometimes
Rarely / Never
- 32. Do you have difficulties finishing what you started?
Often / Sometimes
Rarely / Never
- 33. Do you feel like you want to chuck it all?
Often / Sometimes
Rarely / Never
- 34. Do you feel quietly unhappy or angry due to an unfortunate situation you are currently in and unable to escape?
Often / Sometimes
Rarely / Never
你現在正在嘗試離開一個差勁的習慣嗎? 記得已經延遲也是一個差勁的習慣
- 35. Are you currently trying to quit a bad habit? Remember procrastinating is a bad habit, too. :D
Yes, I am.
No, I'm not.
- 36. Do you feel like you'll need lots of courage to make an important decision or a change in your life?
Yes, I do.
No, not right now.
If its strength you need
What is it that you desire at this point of your life?
To mend my broken heart... 修復我壞掉的心
To gain knowledge and wisdom... 得到知識或智慧
To be a fountain of creativity... 得到基礎的創造力
To make a change in my life 改變我的生命
- 38. ...and... 並且
...regain my health. 得到我的健康
...reach illumination. 得到光亮
...show the world who I am. 向全世界顯示我是誰
...endure the hard times. 忍耐和磨練