轉貼來自Ra Sha的部落格~來自Doreen朵琳2008天使訊息

Happy 2008! (from Doreen Virtue)
2008's energy is gentle, loving, and compassionate. 2008 embraces us with love, even as it teaches us how to use the power of our mind and emotions.
Adding together all of the digits in 2+0+0+8, we receive the sum of 10. Add these two digits together 1+0, and you have a 1. The number 1 means: Our thoughts are instantly manifesting into form.
As a 1 year, 2008 promises adventures in getting immediate reactions to your thoughts and emotions. Everything you think about will instantly appear in your life. So the key to enjoying a blissful 2008 is to keep your thoughts dialed on Love.
One of my most important and valuable life lessons was learning how to keep my mind focused on Love, instead of upon fear.
Ra Sha的分享:的確數字1在提醒我們好好看顧我們的想法,尤其是當我學了天使療法,很多的事都立即的顯化或實現。不論是發生在我身上或是我的學生或是朋友和我的分享,有時覺得負擔不起一個負向的念頭,因為它也會成真!!所幸,可以請天使來協助我們提昇我們的能量與頻率,以及看顧我們的想法與感覺。若我們不小心有負向念頭,立刻覺知,請大天使麥可或天使們帶走。當我們轉換頻道,專注於我們想要而非恐懼時,你會發現好多不可思議的奇蹟變發生了!!祝福你一個充滿愛與實現美好的2008年!!
Love and light,
Ra Sha