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Fucoidan is a sulfated polysaccharide (MW: average 20,000) found mainly in various species of brown seaweed such as kombu, limu moui, bladderwrack, wakame, mozuku, and hijiki (variant forms of fucoidan have also been found in animal species, including the sea cucumber).
Substantial pharmaceutical research has been done on fucoidan, focusing primarily on two distinct forms: F-fucoidan, which is >95% composed of sulfated esters of fucose, and U-fucoidan, which is approximately 20% glucuronic acid. As a consequence of this research, U-fucoidan and F-fucoidan are now being marketed as a nutraceutical and food supplement.[1][2]
A study [3] released in 2005 by Japanese researchers have indicated that F-fucoidan can induce apoptosis in human lymphoma cell lines; as well, French researchers showed in 2002 [4] that F-fucoidan can inhibit hyperplasia in rabbits.
A study at the Statens Serum Institute, in Copenhagen, showed that, after pre-treatment with Fucoidan, deaths of rats infected with meningitis increased. 21 out of 45 rats that had been given Fucoidan and then treated after infection with an antibiotic died; as compared with 5 deaths out of 29 for those had not been given Fucoidan and had been treated with only the antibiotic.[5]
Another clinical study to determine the effects of ingested Undaria-derived-fucoidan on hematopoietic stem cells was carried out at UTAS, Australia. Scientists found that there was a small increase in total numbers of CD34+ cells, and a profound increase, from 40% to 90% in the proportion of CD34+ cells that expressed CXCR4 when 75% Undaria fucoidan was ingested. A smaller increase was noted when Undaria containing 10% w/w fucoidan was ingested. The ability to mobilize HPCs with high levels of CXCR4 expression could be clinically valuable. [6]
[edit] References
- ^ "Discovered that the polysaccharide F-fucoidan contained in the seaweed kombu can induce the production of HGF (Hepatocyte Growth Factor) in vivo experiment". Biotechnology Research Laboratories of Takara. 1999-07-15. http://www.takara-bio.com/news_e/1999/07/15.htm.
- ^ Elkins, Rita, Limu Moui, prize Sea Plant of the South Pacific, Woodland Publishing, 2001
- ^ Aisa Y; Miyakawa Y; Nakazato T; Shibata H; Saito K; Ikeda Y; Kizaki M (2005 Jan). "Fucoidan induces apoptosis of human HS-sultan cells accompanied by activation of caspase-3 and down-regulation of ERK pathways". American Journal of Hematology 78 (1): 7–14. doi: . PMID 15609279 doi:10.1002/ajh.20182.
- ^ Jean-François Deux; Anne Meddahi-Pellé; Alain F. Le Blanche; Laurent J. Feldman; Sylvia Colliec-Jouault; Françoise Brée; Frank Boudghène; Jean-Baptiste Michel; Didier Letourneur (2002). "Low Molecular Weight Fucoidan Prevents Neointimal Hyperplasia in Rabbit Iliac Artery In-Stent Restenosis Model" (PDF). Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 22: 1604. doi:. http://atvb.ahajournals.org/cgi/reprint/22/10/1604.
- ^ Pretreatment with Fucoidan Promotes Lethal Infection in a Rat Model of Experimental Pneumococcal Meningitis. Brandt C, Lundgren Jd, Lund Sp, Frimodt-Moller N, Christensen T, Benfield T, Espersen F, Hougaard D, Ostergaard C; Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (43rd: 2003: Chicago, Ill.).
- ^ Fucoidan ingestion increases the expression of CXCR4 on human CD34+ cells. (Irhimeh) MR, Fitton JH, Lowenthal RM. Exp Hematol. 2007 Jun;35(6):989-94.
此條目的中立性有爭議。內容、語調可能帶有明顯的個人觀點或地方色彩。(2009年3月21日) 加上此模板的編輯者需在討論頁說明此文中立性有爭議的原因,以便讓各編輯者討論和改善。 在編輯之前請務必察看討論頁。 |
褐藻素本身是一種抗氧化、分解自由基和增強免疫能力的天然素材,各種研究指出, 褐藻素對癌症的治療十分有效。褐藻素特有的抗癌機理[1]主要有:
[編輯] 藥用價值
實驗結果得知,餵食過褐藻素的老鼠,其體內的腫瘤不是接近滅絕就是縮小。其出眾之處在於褐藻素只針對腫瘤,擁有促使腫瘤自滅的特殊作用。由於「褐藻素」 是膳食纖維的一種,因此能混和腸道內多餘的膽固醇和有害物質,然後排出體外。褐藻素的藥用價值包括:
- 細胞再生
- 保持循環系統和健康功能[9]
- 幫助維持關節功能[10]
- 抗病毒作用
- 抗腫瘤作用[11]
- 抗過敏作用
- 提高免疫系統功能
- 促進胃腸的健康[12]
- 消除自由基和抗氧化作用[13]
- 改善腎功能[14]
- 抗疲勞作用,保持活力
- 抗凝血作用
- 降低膽固醇的作用[15]
[編輯] 食療功效
[編輯] 食用份量
- 褐藻素的劑量以1公克為一單位, 相當於100亳升的液體褐藻素
- 一般保健: 每天服用1公克褐藻素
- 電療、化療前最少14 天開始,直至手術後3 個月,或確診為前期癌症: 早、晚各服用1公克的液體褐藻素
- 電療、化療期間或確診為中晚期癌症: 早、午、晚各服用1公克的褐藻素
- 正常情況下的每日最高服用量: 體重除10換算成最高服用量, 例: 體重64公斤者每日最多可以進食6公克褐藻素
- 每1 公斤新鮮海蘊約含不多於1 公克純褐藻素,經萃取後可濃縮成100亳升的液體褐藻素
- 以液體褐藻素最為人體所吸收
- 經萃取而成的褐藻素不可煮熱,不過可以混和於稀飯或其他菜式中食用
- 正常情況下,食用褐藻素沒有副作用,如果對海藻食品有敏感則不可食用
- 褐藻素含有豐富礦物質, 如果對特定礦物質有敏感則小心食用
- 褐藻素富含食用性纖維, 可能會令大便變得較為鬆軟及份量較多
- 褐藻素有抗凝血作用, 如果正服用薄血藥物, 則請控制每天服用不多於1 公克的褐藻素.
- 有需要的話,先請教醫生
- 食用份量可參考液體褐藻素
[編輯] 食用配合
- 研究指出, 褐藻素與姬松茸合併食用能比起單獨食用更能提升免疫力. 金秀集團社內資料指出, 同時服用褐藻素與姬松茸能有效將免疫力效果提升不少於30%.
- 日本著名癌症專家阿部博幸博士在其研究發現, 如果以時間差療法針對性給予癌症患者服用秋薑黃、姬松茸及褐藻素, 能夠配合生理時鐘而更有效殺死癌細胞, 並提高癌症患者的存活率
- 早上是腫瘤血管生長的高峰期: 可以服用秋薑黃,防止通向癌細胞的血管的生長
- 中午是免疫力的低潮期: 可以服用姬松茸,姬松茸的癌症阻止率冠於其他菌類、能大大提高免疫力、預防癌症復發及修補受損的健康
- 晚上是癌細胞的生長期: 可以服用褐藻素,可以誘導癌症細胞凋亡、抑制癌症細胞的增殖、增強化療藥品針對癌症的效力、減少化療副作用
[編輯] 參見
- 海蘊
- 美國國家藥物圖書館網上資料庫 記錄有關褐藻素的醫學報告 (於搜尋格內輸入 Fucoidan, 如想找尋治療相關項目,可輸入 fucoidan/cancer, fucoidan/diabetes)
- 研究報告
- ^ Kanehide.Medicinal Effects of 「Fucoidan」 Derived from Cladosiphon okamuranus Tokida.Kanehide Internal Researches.
- ^ Aisa Y; Miyakawa Y; Nakazato T; Shibata H; Saito K; Ikeda Y; Kizaki M(2005年1月1日).Fucoidan induces apoptosis of human HS-sultan cells accompanied by activation of caspase-3 and down-regulation of ERK pathways.American Journal of Hematology,78(1):7–14.PMID 15609279 DOI:10.1002/ajh.20182.
- ^ Kanehide.Fucoidan induces apoptosis in HTLV-1 infected T cells.Kanehide Internal Researches.
- ^ Jean-François Deux; Anne Meddahi-Pellé; Alain F. Le Blanche; Laurent J. Feldman; Sylvia Colliec-Jouault; Françoise Brée; Frank Boudghène; Jean-Baptiste Michel; Didier Letourneur(2002年).Low Molecular Weight Fucoidan Prevents Neointimal Hyperplasia in Rabbit Iliac Artery In-Stent Restenosis Model(PDF).Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology,22:1604.DOI:doi:10.1161/01.ATV.0000032034.91020.0A.
- ^ Kanehide.Apoptosis Induced by Fucoidan from Cladosiphon Okamuranus Tokida in HTLV-1-Infected T-Cell Lines and Primary ATL Cells.Kanehide Internal Researches.
- ^ Dararad Choosawad; Ureporn Leggat; Chavaboon Dechsukhum;Amornrat Phongdara; Wilaiwan Chotigeat(2005年).Anti-tumour activities of fucoidan from the aquatic plant Utricularia aurea lour.PSU. Open Week.
- ^ Kanehide.Biological properties of fucoidans with different molecular weight and compositions I. Effects on Iymphocyte proliferation and immunological function.Kanehide Internal Researches.
- ^ Itoh H; Noda H; Amano H; Ito H.(1995年).Immunological analysis of inhibition of lung metastases by fucoidan (GIV-A) prepared from brown seaweed.Anticancer Res..PMID 8572581.
- ^ Australian Centre for Complementary Medicine(2006年).Seaweed extract hailed as a promising natural medicine.Australian Centre for Complementary Medicine.
- ^ Burton-Wurster N; Zhang DW; Lust G(1995年).Accumulation of fibronectin in articular cartilage explants cultured with TGF beta 1 and fucoidan.Arch Biochem Biophys..PMID 7530938.
- ^ Kanehide.Antitumor Activity and Safety Testing of Fucoidan Derived from Cladosiphon okamuranus Tokida.Kanehide Internal Researches.
生物化學物質種類 | 主要||
肽 | 胺基酸 | 核酸 | 糖類 | 核苷糖 | 脂類 | 萜類 | 類胡蘿蔔素 | 四吡咯 | 輔因子 | 類固醇 | 類黃酮 | 生物鹼 | 聚酮 | 配糖類 | ||
Analogues of nucleic acids: | 糖類的類型 | Analogues of nucleic acids: |
醛糖 | 酮糖 | 吡喃糖 | 呋喃糖 | ||
丙糖 | 丁糖 | 戊糖 | 己糖 | 庚糖 | 環己糖構型 | 端基差向異構 | 端基異構效應 | 變旋現象 | ||
甘油醛 | 二羥基丙酮 | 赤蘚糖 | 蘇阿糖 | 赤蘚酮糖 | 景天庚酮糖 | ||
核糖 | 樹膠醛糖 | 木糖 | 來蘇糖 | 核酮糖 | 木酮糖 | ||
葡萄糖 | 半乳糖 | 甘露糖 | 古洛糖 | 艾杜糖 | 塔羅糖 | 阿洛糖 | 阿卓糖 | 果糖 | 山梨糖 | 塔格糖 | 阿洛酮糖 | 鼠李糖 | ||
蔗糖 | 乳糖 | 海藻糖 | 麥芽糖 | 棉子糖 | 水蘇糖 | ||
糖原 | 澱粉 | 纖維素 | 殼多糖 | 直鏈澱粉 | 支鏈澱粉 | 菊糖 | 糊精 | 褐藻素 | ||
肝磷脂 | 硫酸軟骨素 | 透明質酸 | 硫酸乙醯肝素 | 硫酸軟骨素B | 硫酸角質素 | ||
卡那黴素 | 鏈黴素 | 妥布黴素 | 新黴素 | 巴龍黴素 | 阿普拉黴素 | 慶大黴素 | 奈替米星 | 阿米卡星 |
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