2. 在頭頂頂輪的活動: 興奮,渴望、多刺,爬行感覺沿著頭皮以及/或向脊椎往下走。 在頭的頂端上的一個能量振動感,好像能量正在一次陣雨中從頭爆發。 也透過頂輪注入的能量的感覺,描述當做 " 灑淨洗禮 ".
這也可能當做對頂輪的壓力的經歷,好像某人正在進入你的頭的中心之內推動他的/她的手指。因為我在#1 年提到,我一直透過頂輪經歷能量的極大下載。
在過去,我已經感覺更多一股壓力,好像我的頭在一個溫和的虎頭鉗中夾緊。 一個男人相關,他的尾端頭髮直立和他的身體滿一般撞擊區塊。
忠告: 這什麼也不是不用驚慌。 你正在經歷是頂輪的一個開始。 這感覺代表的是,你正在開啟接受神聖能量。
3. 情緒的突然波動。 立刻哭泣。 對一點的激怒感到突然生氣或憂愁。 或到無法說明的程度沮喪而驚訝。 然後非常快樂的。 情緒的雲霄飛車。 時常有在心輪 (胸的中央)中是擁擠的壓力或情緒感。 使用心不要困惑,被設置到心輪的左邊。
忠告: 當他們發生而且讓他們去的時候,接受你的感覺。直接地到你的心輪而且感覺情緒。 向外擴張它到你的你所有的領域而且深深地從鼓脹所有的方法呼吸決定於你的上胸部位。 只要感覺這種感覺而且讓它靠它自己消失。 不要將這情緒指向任何人。
你正在清理你的過去。 如果你這想要一些幫忙,大聲說出來,你想要釋放這些舊的議題而且要求你的較高的力量幫助你。你也能要求神恩典輕易地幫助你溫和釋放。要感謝你的身體正在釋放這些情緒和不佔有他們他們能夠對內在做傷害的部分。
一個來源意味著,沮喪被連接到讓對人、工作,等等的關係去不再敵對朝我們的頻率。 當我們覺得有罪內咎感的時候關於讓這些關係離開,沮喪幫助我們用藥治療那痛苦。
2. Activity at the crown of the head: Tingling, itching, prickly, crawling sensations along the scalp and/or down the spine. A sense of energy vibrating on top of the head, as if energy is erupting from the head in a shower. Also the sensation of energy pouring in through the crown, described as "sprinkles".
This may also be experienced as pressure on the crown, as if someone is pushing his/her finger into the center of your head. As I mentioned in #1, I have been experiencing huge downloads of energy through the crown.
In the past, I have felt more generalized pressure, as if my head is in a gentle vise. One man related that his hair stood on end and his body was covered with goose bumps.
Advice: This is nothing to be alarmed about. What you are experiencing is an opening of the crown Chakras. The sensations mean that you are opening up to receive divine energy.
3. Sudden waves of emotion. Crying at the drop of a hat. Feeling suddenly angry or sad with little provocation. Or inexplicably depressed. Then very happy. Emotional roller coaster. There is often a pressure or sense of emotions congested in the heart chakra (the middle of the chest). This is not to be confused with the heart, which is located to the left of the heart Chakras.
Advice: Accept your feelings as they come up and let them go. Go directly to your heart chakra and feel the emotion. Expand it outward to your all your fields and breathe deeply from the belly all the way up to your upper chest. Just feel the feeling and let it evaporate on its own. Don't direct the emotions at anyone.
You are cleaning out your past. If you want some help with this, say out loud that you intend to release all these old issues and ask your Higher Power to help you. You can also ask Grace Elohim to help you release with ease and gentleness. Be grateful that your body is releasing these emotions and not holding onto them inside where they can do harm.
One source suggests that depression is linked to letting go of relationships to people, work, etc. that no longer match our frequencies and us. When we feel guilty about letting go of these relationships, depression helps us medicate that pain.