I am the Archangel Israfel
My name means "Burning One"
I am the "Angel of Song"
and it is said that
I have the sweetest voice
of all God’s creatures
I am the Patron Angel of
Article From: http://www.angelicartistry.com/israfel1.htm

Archangel Israfel is the Angel of beauty, song, counsel, sympathy, and resurrection. He is a compassionate Angel, always inclined to offer comfort and guidance to those who are feeling lost and abandoned, and bring joy and laughter back to those who are without hope. He wants us to know that we are never alone and inspires us to love ourselves and to be confident and have faith.
(Israfel 是關於美、音律、忠告、慰問以及復活的天使。祂是位慈悲天使,總是給那些感到迷失、被遺棄的人安慰與指引,並為那些失去希望的人找回喜悅與歡笑。祂要我們了解我們並不孤單,並喚起我們對自己的愛、自信與信念。)
Israfel is the Patron Angel of entertainers who brings mankind the gift of song, and with it the joy that will inevitably follow. He is a special Angel to musicians and those concerned with beauty, be it beauty in art or the beauty of life. His most famous instrument is the trumpet, but he is also mentioned playing the lute. Those two represent all string, pluck and wind instruments.
(Israfel 是表演者的守護天使,為人類帶來歌曲這項禮物,當然也包括隨之而來的喜樂。對於音樂家以及與美感有關的人來說,包括藝術上或生命的美感,祂是位特別的天使。祂以吹奏小喇叭著稱,另有說法是祂也彈奏琵琶。而這兩項代表所有的絃樂、彈撥及吹管樂器。)
If you are the kind of trumpeter that wake the dead in the middle of the night, you may have more in common with Israfel than you though. For he is also the Angel of resurrection, and what does he use to awaken the dead from their slumber at the end of the world? That's right. A trumpet. His role at the final judgement makes him the Angel of life and new beginnings, representing the kind of hope that fills us when the sun rises over the horizon to drive away the darkness of the night.
(假如你是夜半吹奏小號召喚亡靈的人,那你應當與Israfel有著更多的關連。因為祂也是掌管復活的天使,在世界末日時祂是用什麼喚醒棺材裡的死者呢? 沒錯! 用小喇叭! 在最後審判時祂所扮演的角色是生命與新生的天使,當太陽從地平線升起時,祂趕走夜晚的黑暗為我們帶來希望。)
A Bit of Trivia:
Israfel is a very compassionate Angel indeed. He looks three times each day and three times each night into the depths of Hell, and is so stricken with horror and grief at the plight of the damned souls that he weep so that his tears would flood the earth, if God did not prevent them from flowing. He is also said to be very beautiful and the master of music. Edgar Allan Poe once wrote in his poem Israfel: In heaven a spirit doth dwell / Whose heart-strings are a lute; / None sing so wildly well / As the angel Israfel.
(Israfel 真的是非常慈悲的天使。祂日夜各三次深入地獄,祂深受苦境中那些被詛咒靈魂的恐懼、悲傷的折磨,於是祂哀傷流淚以至於祂的眼淚湧入地面,假使天神沒有阻止其湧入的話。據說祂長得非常美,也被稱為音樂大師。美國詩人艾倫坡曾在詩句中寫到Israfel :" 天堂裡住著一位心弦像琵琶、沒人像祂唱歌一樣動聽的精靈 ,祂是Israfel 天使! "
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