67, the Taoist God of the cross golden lightning protection method : (1) Sun God collection lightning energy ( 2 ) installation of lightning protection sun god golden cross from negative attacks (3 ) escorts palm lightning quick clean energy energy ( 4) lightning change deification - Five Lei Wulong energy protective escorts , change shape , into a thin fat !

(5 ) electro-optic eye of God - to accelerate development of the third eye

God changed tactics - the results of the current practitioners , deformation appreciate faster, China practiced a month brother , thin arms birds Aberdeen lean muscle , grow muscle, fat little face and become more ! Kaohsiung tiger brother, training a month, a little thin body , training the eyelid, particularly evident ! Interested you are welcome to tell China Colombia turned to China to share the results of a successful brother know!

Golden Cross Chinese Colombia Taoist practice before God to change - the face depression :

Chinese Colombia training tactics changed after the Taoist God of the cross gold : Comparison of fat little face : ( China Colombia only a month's time to practice it ), the brother should know China will feel a difference !


68,6 times per animal link to Meditation: (1 ) installation of animal antenna ( 2) and animal communication methods (3 ) opening of the establishment for animals to establish links with animals

(4 ) Exercises ( 5 ) Animal lift some physical interference with the owner of a more intimate

 69,6 times per fruit plants healing meditation links : ( 1 ) Installation of plant antenna ( 2 ) connection wizard guidance of plant (3 ) communication link with the plant to receive messages (4 ) to receive fruit, plant their own healing energy healing


70, Christ Consciousness Healing Meditation: (1) Open the door to unconditional love (2 ) to accept Christ Consciousness, Holy Blood of Christ , the release of purifying the body karma (3 ) escorts joined the Holy Cross of Christ the Light divine energy code 888 (4 ) Receive Jesus Christ taught the wisdom Words

71, traveled to heaven : ( 1) Heaven to travel (2 ) increase the skill of eating peach Queen Mother (3 ) audience with the Jade Emperor , the Jade Emperor SG escorts energy ( 4 ) receive messages teach the Jade Emperor


72, colorful glass Medicine Buddha Meditation: (1 ) escorts pharmacists Chilbulbong energy ( 2 ) to receive Medicine Buddha kits , tone the body (3 ) escorts ASE Buddha , 12 Yaocha guard force ( 4), colorful glass escorts Medicine Buddha Light healing energy (5 ) to receive messages Medicine Buddha to teach

73, vitality meditation : the selection you want to transfer animals , insects, characteristics to your body !

For example, (1 ) Lions : conceited , leadership , strength appears ( 2) Spider : Link people to network, many friends (3 ) Xiaoqiang : Super Vitality (4) Insects : compound eyes, a thousand eyes , the radar antenna , Touch feet , perception, jumping ability (5) moths : mimicry, camouflage technique (6 ) skunk : put odor , confusing each other, escape from danger

74, The Magic Medicine Buddha invisible sun and the moon : ( required attunement colorful glass light over the Medicine Buddha )

(1 )The Magic Medicine Buddha attunement invisible sun and the moon

(2 )Manner of energy , row cloud

(3 )Point Point for practice , general practice Renduermai(4 )Receive Energy Diet(Four gentlemen , Six Gentlemen , Shiquandabutang into The Magic , body to body to absorb incoming !

75, Reform Taoist technique of Light Chakra : ( required Laikang energy nutrition coordination body to adapt to rapid changes, proposals had been to 18 heavy meditation , angel chakra meditation come clean on the synergy more )

Laikang trial bottle of 20cc, 50 yuan, school use ( additional charges)

(1 ) the replacement of light chakra (2 ) compressed pool chakra energy ( 3 ) exposure to light the beacon of light emitting chakra chakra healing and stability of energy (4 ) test chakra energy ( or chakra angel three elementary Vulcan Fireball chakra Element to clear the area )

Reform Taoist technique of light and angels chakra chakras, Vulcan fireball different?

Light weight coat 18 Vulcan meditation chakras of our body is the third element of the fireball - Cricket !

Angel Chakra is the pulse of the fifth round of dollars to upgrade to the chakras fireball - ball !

Taoist chakra light pulse round of transformation is the essence chakra into light - the light can accommodate more - great ball !

Therefore, it is gradually upgrading sub- yuan, and the content of light energy into the chakras , the energy will be stronger!

76, the Virgin Mary healing meditation : (1) attunement invisible protective rose beads (2 ) to receive the Virgin chant - Rosary energy - love of Our Lady of Mercy enchant made palm (3 ) to receive messages teach the Virgin

77,8 dimension Aurora Master (1 ) attunement to the energy guru aurora algae oligosaccharides - boost the immune system , forcing cancer cells commit suicide , so that contraction of vascular proliferation

(2 ) germicidal light enchant Aurora Master ( Palm ) (3) enchant smoke Aurora Master program ( second-hand smoke , air pollution, bad smell ) (4) anti-cancer palm enchant Aurora

( improve immunity army , cut off vascular proliferation , so that cancer cells )

With algal oligosaccharides 30 , 1800 yuan, a 60 yuan at its own expense !

To force cancer cells commit suicide Fucoidan ( sp oligosaccharides ) - Algae Oligosaccharides Capsules - polysaccharide alginate (Aurora Master bactericidal anti-cancer palm smoke )!

78,Gold Tree attunement energy : money tree money plants Increase in the gas and Make money

( 1)Enchant East , Southeast , South , Southwest, West, Northwest, North, northeast8Gold Tree species of gas !

( 2)Escorts Financial gas money tree !(Eight directions)(3 ) to receive money tree to give your message or to teach !

79, Sea World travel : (1) sea world , underwater travel (2 ) underwater water energy healing - freedom, the liberation of limit , healing , charge

(3 ) for the East China Sea Dragon King Dragon King Ao Guang Aquarius ( Lucky Dragon King absorption of the gas wealth of gold ) (4 ) dragon sword - cutting off the negative energy - the king of the Dragon King of wealth - the first consumer sector, ward off evil dragon sword cut the rope of karma (5 ) escorts Dragon King healing energy ( Unyielding , clean , upright ) (6) Dragon King to receive messages, to teach

80 , money magnet - attract wealth gas

(1 ) attunement Octagon money magnet energy, solar energy round gold ingot - attract wealth gas in! (2 ) Start the gas money, wealth magnet (3 ) to receive messages or to teach money magnet

81 Solar Terms of meditation : to receive a variety of solar terms of energy : 1, the full moon energy ( desire to achieve ) 2, the summer solstice energy - abundant energy 3, Taurus Supernova Crab Nebula energy - an explosion and rapid changes in 4 , the World Summit Everest energy - peak increased heart position More mobility and attitude ! 5, total eclipse of energy - to the heart of the shadow be your strength ! 6, the cosmic energy - the energy of Infinite receives more action 7, the clouds of energy - the energy to relax ! 8, flow of energy - negative energy of the body 9 of water erosion , lightning energy - fast clean ! 10, the Leonid meteor shower of energy - clean energy meteor fast ! 11, Mars energy - mobility ! 12, Grass Energy - FN, 13 vitality , yellow peony energy ( noble, rich )
14, bamboo energy - a bamboo an effort to force up ! 15, sunflower ( Sunningdale positive energy ) 16 , Mount tablets ( block evil ) energy 17, escorts colorful rainbow ( rainbow rounder to play your character ) Energy 18, rain ( clean ) energy 19, energy guru Maya calendar - Death energy! 20, Hawaii - a holiday to relax ... ... → Energy Solar Terms
Solar Terms meditation ★ ☆

82 , Taoism sleep function : ( 1)Cliché sleep function : people generally60%Time in sleep, the sleep practice is an efficient way to grow ! (2)Need sleep Patch-Cliché on the sleep function in the sleep patch !

Allows you to enterdelta,alphaWave deep sleep , during sleep, the energy to practice began practicing moral courage !

      1 package 15 , a240Element - right temple(Patch pocket costs) need to have moral courage on the meditation !

☆ LIFEWAVE sleep patch - to play the voice into the deep sleep decreased ★


(3 )Start solar terms of energy , the energy of all of the weather will begin training in his sleep !

(4 )Sleep Changong !

(5 )Duke Message of God taught to sleep !

83, to support achievement of law: (1 ) attunement to support Sarah (2 ) For help your guru, Buddha , Bodhisattva , law enforcement ... for their help , feedback, thanks (3 ) for tobacco, for flowers, oil , water For food, for energy, for the classics, for the gold medal , for the fire for the mind, method for , for by (4 ) a dependent object is satisfied, support Sarah will light up, to swallow the accumulated wisdom and blessing Sarah dependent , Super- smart in the present generation ! Sarah purification support site (5 ) support Sarah Discovery

84, Living Buddha Ji Gong meditation thermal protection against cold : (1) attunement Chi Kung Master Gourd wine - cold , absorbing negative energy and turn it into wine,

, promote blood circulation, increase body temperature, vibration frequency , medication wine nourish the internal organs , body heat like a flame banner ! (2 ) Chi Kung Master attunement fan - cold, ice Yintang energy , fan, hot swap inflammation negative energy, negative energy out of schedule , the body cool and very fun (3 ) Consumption of Chi Kung Master elixir - adjust the body (4 ) to receive economic Master of public information guidance.

85, Manjushri Wisdom Meditation: (1 ) Get smart scroll ( speed Hui , deep wisdom , Kwong Hui , saying Hui, Hui defense law , to pose Hui ) (2) right-handed sword Manjushri cut troubles (3 ) Golden lion roar - roar out of the invisible Interference ( 4 ) escorts Manjushri Wisdom healing energy , clean sites (5 ) words to teach the wisdom of Manjusri

86 , 10 times per Snake Golden Dragon meditation ladder : (1) 10 times per enchant Snake eyes on the golden ladder to the dragon energy healing , positive energy to swallow spit out negative energy (2 ) tunnel of light , the energy will be passed Become stronger (3 ) receive the first 10 steps per Snake Dragon gold discovery message or to teach

87, to avoid the valley Taoist meditation : to avoid the Valley is the ultimate Taoist exercises , in the wilderness can not eat and drink ! In the cave !

Dharma Must be mastered without eating ! India 70 years without eating !

Ways makes you excel do not eat, drink or even the only , or drink fruit or dates Laikang nutrition !

General practice will be a lot easier for a week , behind a lot of toxins out, clear the stool ( generally at least three kilograms of stool )

Laikang nutrition trial (20g, 50元Own expense)

88 , transparent healing meditation : Clear deep negative body negative energy , crystal ( crystal has too much ice ), mark , chains ( handcuffs, leg irons ), chain snake ( shaman witchcraft) ... ...!

89, Fortune Plaza, five meditation as : (1) as the square law enforcement to receive five - five elephants to protect you (2 ) elephant god of wealth , four elephant stable laying the foundation, a leader of the elephant in the above leadership, receiving five major Free energy as the wealth (3 ) as the square to receive five leaders, leaders of the energy (4 ) to receive healing energy of five as the square , clean sites (5 ) to receive information or training Wuxiang Square

90, Kuan healing meditation :

(1 )   Lung Yan Yuedao enchant off monarch-Negative energy Cut

(2 )   Escorts Kuan Red Horse rapid action force of the energy starts

(3 )   Escorts Kuan integrity, loyalty energy start

(4 )   Purification field

(5 )   Receiving messages or teach Kuan

91 , fish basket Kuan Yin Healing Meditation:

(1 )   Universal Door Energy Start Start-Pregnant women, handsome child

(2 )   Start the Diamond Sutra energy Start-Eliminate Karma Open Wisdom Solutions trouble

(3 )   Start Lotus Sutra of energy Start-The king would smelled sandalwood taste, to help come true

(4 )   Start the fish start the healing energy basket Guanyin

(5 )   Fish Basket Goddess of Mercy receives message

92, the prophet Moses, healing meditation :

(1 )   Attunement Moses Mace-Separated from The Red Sea , have the courage to open the power of heaven and earth , give to the place of negative energy is automatically spread out !

(2 )   Attunement stone Moses-The power of God to restrain negative thoughts into positive thoughts and eliminate the error message, the message of truth slate will not disappear ! Or invisible light let it disappear !

(3 )   Start the healing energy of Moses started

(4 )   Moses Received messages to teach

93, Zheng healing meditation :

(1 )   Zheng Kam- moon launched the military start flag-Dian by negative energy , and spirit interference !

(2 )   Attunement Zheng Map-On the whole, business, his talents a little latitude ! Full of wise policy !

(3 )   Start Zheng healing energy started!

(4 )   Zheng information and guidance

94 Language of Light Healing : Let the light inside your body language to enter into force , the negative language automatic failure ! Many black smoke emission , cold , negative energy , as long as the text had read the language of light energy ! (Light , love , faith , rich , action, attraction, charm, health, freedom, joy , automatic discharge negative energy, negative emotions, automatic scheduling , automatic schedule negative memories , change the United States changed Shuai )

95, Yang Jian Erlang healing meditation (1), three point, two- edged sword enchant-Protection Force (2), enchant bundle lock demon-Shoufu interference spiritual body (3 ), enchant roaring days of the dog-Power Animal Protection Force (4)To start the Erlang start healing energy - clean site (5)To receive messages Yang Jian Erlang

96 , Earth meditation :

(1) Start earth god gold ingot financial gas start - (can be placed in the financial gas or money in passbook ) , clean site !
(2 ) Start the Earth God Ruyi start - ( attractive and elegant and allows you to accumulate merit of people and things close to you ) , clean site !
(3 ) Start the Earth Lord Crawford energy startup , clean site
(4 ) to receive land for open display

97 , soul healing meditation :

Your soul and you often go against it?
Or hurt the soul , full of holes !
You need to save it!
For the soul to be a deep conversation !
The need to give it healing healing !
Unity of body and mind your heart !
To be fully one!

98 , crystal healing meditation ore :

Through the crystal , mineral , to heal your own !
Ore To bring their own !
Teach you the most useful method of healing yourself !
Frequent use of the whole body will be very comfortable!
Ore , or rock crystal !
To be your partner!
Often heal you!

Recommendations on the Ore Than 8 times per crystal meditation on the course will be better again !


99,S8Dimensional finger therapy (Matrix Energetics):

(1 )Attunement Energy Hand finger therapy(2 )Pattern of Brain energy(3 )Exercise your fingers sore treatment or recovery or healing ability ( time back )(4 )Message received therapy to teach your fingers

100,10 times per Sirius healing meditation :

(1 ) to receive Sirius vortex of energy - protection, removal of ignorance, greed Shen crazy slow doubt , the heart chakra healing of injuries (2 ) fix the gas field into the healing light up (3 ) Start Sirius vortex energy - start - clean site ( 3 ) to receive messages or teach Sirius


101,Tamon King of Healing meditation :Treasure King , yellow Fortuna , multi- Wen King

(1 )Po rat energy startup start vomiting (2 )Golden Rain received Financial gas-Abundant wealth(3 )King started Tamon start healing energy-Purification field(4 )Receive more news to give the message of King !

102,See the Ceremony of the eighth element :

Expand your third eye, third eye and develop your heart chakra and behind the visual cortex, the channel between the light !

Wake up the perception of the world's perception of invisible energy ! (Once the ceremony the body will also accept all stand )


103 , the State healing meditation :

Receiving of national energy : ( a collection of individual start or restart)
United States: U.S. energy independence and energy start start
United Kingdom: Energy magician apprenticeship tradition
France: Romantic Energy
South Korea: hard -working face of the energy
Japan: love of work , high- quality energy services
India: love the performance of their own ideas , logic clean energy
China: friends to gather energy
Germany: rigorous energy
Spain: warm , with the sexual energy
Switzerland: protective force of energy and wealth
Greece: thinking, wisdom, and spiritual growth of energy
Netherlands: love nature of energy use wizard
Africa: rhythm, movement to release energy
Russia: follow the strong energy
Italy : friendly and witty charm of popular taste of the energy
Thailand: a leisurely Slow energy relaxation
Philippines: approachable
Vietnam: Forgiveness does not look to the future memories of past energy

Launch national healing energy start - clean site


104, subconscious healing meditation :

Unconscious , in the (Table consciousness) under the tip of the subconscious !
5% Table awareness, 95% of the subconscious !
Unlimited Storage of energy !
May also be hidden in the shadow of something you do not know or refuse negative thoughts or energy !
Link on the unconscious , remove the negative energy connected to the infinite energy!
Healing to occur in the present !

105 , 8 times per Padmasambhava healing meditation :

(1 ) to the pure land of Guru Padmasambhava Copper Mountain tour , start the Pure Land Mountain Energy Guru Bronze Start ( 2 ) enchant Vajra Guru Rinpoche , the day stick , pig iron surface strength of nine animals - Protection Force (3 ) Start Lian Teachers start the healing energy in your hands - clean space ( 4 ) Start Padmasambhava Xiang Gong program starts - smell the flowers, sandalwood (5) The message of Guru Padmasambhava , to teach


Vajra symbol :
King Kong are holding the Ministry of Zhuzun Tantric vajra , the symbol of Vajra Bodhi destroyed and troubles of the heart, for Zhuzun of holding objects or amending the law of the props. Mandala Sea King in Council of the Ministry of Zhuzun are holding vajra . Tathagata Vajra Vajra symbolizes wisdom Dayong, to break the stupid demons and heretics within the delusion Zhumo obstacles.
Tantric monk carrying vajra often , it is shown : the Jingang Zhi Hui Tathagata use , get rid of ignorance within the magic paranoia , to show the Zhiguang pure Self . In the esoteric , the " Mandala Sea Council " "King Kong Department " Zhuzun , Xijie sticking the pestle . Later pedestrians, means " those who destroy the enemy , "the purport , most of it interpreted as " yield Zhumo heretics , "the practice of appliances was .

106,S8Dimensional treatment Ceremony:

By Shaman on the division of the inheritance of healing energy delivery delay in their sleep after the transfer , to heal their own wounds and the ancestors of the past course of healing energy !


107,Peach Wealth meditation :

(1 ) Enchant peach , peach good karma started the program start(2 )Cliché Rich topaz rose water-Start self-confidence of wealth program starts , start the charm of the program start, start the network mask appeal fee program starts , start the program starts smiling-Start the program rose topaz Rich water-Clean site !(3 )Rich water rose topaz Receiving messages

108,Statue of Liberty healing meditation :

(1 )Enchant the torch the Statue of Liberty - the Statue of Liberty started the liberation of self-handicapping torches start - clean site (2 ) enchant the Declaration of Independence

Start the Declaration of Independence starts - freedom, the pursuit of happiness of energy - clean site (3 ) Start the Statue of Liberty started healing energy - clean site , (4 ) receive messages teach the Statue of Liberty

See page 4 page limit → ☆ China Colombia in response to the 2012 value of spiritual growth Deluxe Gold Package -4 ★ 

☆ China Colombia in response to the 2012 value of spiritual growth Deluxe Gold Package -1 ★

Chinese Colombia in response to the 2012 value of spiritual growth Deluxe Gold Package-2

☆ China Colombia in response to the 2012 value of spiritual growth Deluxe Gold Package -3 ★

Further reading :

☆ third eye gold two days overnight packages Halibote experience -1 ★ School Workshop


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